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  1. Uncle Reefer

    do and do nots on a worm bin..

    Gasses are an issue, I never put a lid on them even with holes in them, worms always try and make a break for it if there is a gas buildup in the bins
  2. Uncle Reefer

    Fungi/Bacteria Nitrogen sink?

    I think you have 2 different systems that you will be growing with if you use this technique of recycling. The pure coco is more of a hydropic soiless thing, but once you do the recycle, the sun and the mulch thing you are building a soil. Both are fine obviously but you should keep track of...
  3. Uncle Reefer

    Fungi/Bacteria Nitrogen sink?

    Biochar is really interesting as well. If I had a fireplace I would try it.
  4. Uncle Reefer

    at what price point would you consider purchasing...over growing.????

    2.19 per gram, for top drawer. But don't stop growing even then because this market is going to "Walmart" in record time. Low prices will chase everyone out of the business. Prices will go to .50 per gram or less. No one will make any money but the big guys don't need to because they made all...
  5. Uncle Reefer

    Gorilla Bubble

    #antonioverde BTW That GGxBG 4 the plant known as number nine has become a very popular girl over here.
  6. Uncle Reefer

    Gorilla Bubble

    it is certainly something in the dirt, just let it grow and see what you get, if it dies it dies, if it lives then it will recover. Seeds can be really hard, even for experienced growers. I personally have a harder time with seeds than any other aspsect of growing. By far a harder time. But you...
  7. Uncle Reefer

    Fungi/Bacteria Nitrogen sink?

    A little follow up. This is who was once Los Reefersaurus. No one could read the name without mumbling so I changed it. I did manage to get the Rhizo balls going right away on the clover roots without composting the first batch, so that was a plus. There was a lot of PITA factor with trying...
  8. Uncle Reefer

    Can a light get too efficient

    Keep it civil kids, lots of great opinions and facts here, I never thought my thread would grow its own life like this. That is all carry on
  9. Uncle Reefer

    Dessicant for humidity in sealed room?

    I would argue these plants love high humidity and at night they aren't transpiring anyway so High RH doesn't matter for this reason. Why you want to control your RH is MOLD and risk of mold. So ya you want to get on top of the humidity but mold reasons, not transpiration reasons. Really just an...
  10. Uncle Reefer

    Gorilla Bubble

    I am considering doing the same with one of 4 male GBxBG4's and My hempstar, and cross the gbxbg4 back with the best lady gbxbg4 IF I can have your blessing of course
  11. Uncle Reefer

    Commercial setup help

    I think you should be hiring someone rather than just mooching info at this point. YOu are no longer a basement grower and everyone is getting paid at your grow now so I dont thisnkyou should be getting it for free any more. Sorry to say. I don't mean to offend but its like asking an artist to...
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Pest control Centipedes?

    Does anyone or has anyone used centipedes as a biological control for fruit fly larva, fungus gnats, spring bellies or anything else? I have a bunch of centipedes that I can add to my indoor compost bins if I want. If I do that they will eventually be introduced to my whole system. THey came...
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Can a light get too efficient

    I hear you but fewer watts produces less plant matter and also less heat. So you AC will be running even less and if we assume you led's are equally efficient and not even more efficient at a lower wattage you will be in the same circumstances, higher RH at a given temperature, this means the...
  14. Uncle Reefer

    Can a light get too efficient

    My original point is if you have more light at the same watts then you will need a way to deal with the increased humidity, which dimishes your savings. What the real values are I dont know. BUt more light is more weed which is good
  15. Uncle Reefer

    Can a light get too efficient

    well that was classy if also a bit sad, a more polite way to end a disagreement.
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Venting C02 when the plants are sleeping?

    No point if the only reason is to dump c02 j.
  17. Uncle Reefer

    clone cupping

    something is eatting and pooping on that bottom leaf. Take of all leaves with spots like that and get it out of your room.
  18. Uncle Reefer

    clone cupping

    well I can tell you that plant in the yellow cup probably has thrips or some other bug...
  19. Uncle Reefer

    Can a light get too efficient

    I have been running SK600's for a year now and the plants are really beginning to go through water, about 25% more per feeding to keep them wet. Because of this, the RH is getting higher, it's not a problem, its still in a good range but it is running higher. Ya, you are right the answer is to...