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  1. T

    Growing is my ultimate passion i have invested a lot please help me get it right.

    i cant configure the right lighting/nutrients to get my seedling to sproutim a newbie grower i could really aprecciate some advice i have currently purchased these two tents, the tent i am using for germination i have placed outside sydney weather is roughly 30' outside i have purchased...
  2. T

    Aussie grower in desperate need of some advice.

    i cant configure the right lighting/nutrients to get my seedling to sproutim a newbie grower i could really aprecciate some advice i have currently purchased these two tents, the tent i am using for germination i have placed outside sydney weather is roughly 30' outside i have purchased...
  3. T

    Help a fellow grower..

    i cant configure the right lighting/nutrients to get my seedling to sprout im a newbie grower i could really aprecciate some advice i have currently purchased these two tents, the tent i am using for germination i have placed outside sydney weather is roughly 30' outside i have purchased...
  4. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ya dads a narc
  5. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Cheers so far i have tried msnl seeds waiting on my order to arrive i have used the guaranteed stealth opt just trying to see what other banks could be reliable.
  6. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey im pretty new to growing tho i have been smoking for well over 10 years and have decided to give it a go myself as it is my passion, im having a lot of trouble finding a safe seed bank, what are some safe sites i can i can use and which is the most reliable in terms of stealth?..