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  1. T

    Help a fellow grower..

    i have not had the chance to change the red/blue leds to the Cfl's as i did not get the time tho 3 days into planting a few sprouted seeds i have just noticed they have begun to sprout you may need to zoom into the pic for a better look tho im not sure what i should be doing next, do i just...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    lmfao right as im about to bin the thing i read your comment, i cut it open and surprise surprise haha damn their good!!
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    This is what I recieved I'm about to cut it open lol wish me luck
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    so i just recieved an order from msnl seeds which was a baby bib lmao absolutely could not find a seed anywhere, where as my previous order came thru no did come in a bunch of socks tho at least the seeds were there lmao.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    damn thats pretty cheap for feminized seeds normally i use msnl they charge 20 extra for the stealth shipping tho they have been the only one to come thru so far for me
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    damn i really wished i asked you for some advice before i went out and spent $500 lmfao on a kit tho im definately gonna have a look into those you suggested i appreciate the advice.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I have changed over the lighting from Red/Blue leds to this which is standing about 40cm from the medium is it over kill or should I purchase an actual t5 for the first few weeks?
  8. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    cheers for the advice i was just watching a random clip showing me the exact method lately what i have been doing is i would germinate them in destilled water for 24hrs than put straight into medium/rockwool, i have not had any success there, tho im definitely gonna be using the paper towel...
  9. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    of course sorry if my questions are confusing being a first time grower half the times you don't know where to begin, i'm far from mastering it i don't expect it to happen over night nor any time soon,having the right information is half the battle already won. this is the medium i am using i...
  10. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i think i did im only using a small clip fan i picked up at office works,tho im not sure if i should be using the larger one for better ventilation, so once i have germinated the seeds in water i continue with the paper towl method, prior to placing into the medium/rockwool. i also have small...
  11. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i have heard of people putting a thick piece of cardboard between the heat mat/medium to help lower the heat,i live in sydney on my first time grow getting the temp/humidity correct seems impossible as i'm using a grow tents in my sheds but just cant seem to get past that first stage, i have...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    i definately dont mind investing a bit of money in terms of getting everything right i smoke about half an ounce per week which is about $160 per week if i can grow my own i will be cheering.
  13. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i will definately have to switch up my lighting you are right it is not sufficient i had about 6 germinated seeds placed under my red/blue led after a week absolutely not a sprout, i am using a heating mat tho im not sure if its enough or overkill.
  14. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i know i spend about $500 so far not including the nutrients and medium,i have to order everything online it costs more cause i cant seem to find what i need in my local stores, i have a 2m tent other one is just under 1m tall which i am trying to use for propogation stage, i have 200+ seeds...
  15. T

    Growing is my ultimate passion i have invested a lot please help me get it right.

    thank you so much for the advice really opened my eyes, being in Australia i literally have to order everything online i can not find anything in my local stores hence why i am strying to stick to soil as the medium i have given rockwool a go tho i have failed, as a newbie im just trying to find...
  16. T

    Aussie grower in desperate need of some advice.

    I currently have about 200 "mistery" seeds which I purchased from my plug, tho I have just recieved Northern lights/super sour diesel, I have ordered autoflowering white LSD bunch of other strains, I still need to purchase something with which I can test the temp/humidity which shouldnt be an...
  17. T

    Aussie Growers Thread

    i cant configure the right lighting/nutrients to get my seedling to sproutim a newbie grower i could really aprecciate some advice i have currently purchasedthese two tents, the tent i am using for germination i have placed outside sydney weather is roughly 30' outside i have purchased...
  18. T

    Aussie grower in desperate need of some advice.

    i cant configure the right lighting/nutrients to get my seedling to sproutim a newbie grower i could really aprecciate some advice i have currently purchasedthese two tents, the tent i am using for germination i have placed outside sydney weather is roughly 30' outside i have purchased...
  19. T

    Growing is my ultimate passion i have invested a lot please help me get it right.

    i really appreciate the advice i will give it a go.
  20. T

    Help a fellow grower..

    thank you so much for the advice, being a newbie not knowing anyone absolutely any advice goes a long way, as for lighting i am currently using a red/blue 225 led pannel should i change over to something like a T5 or similar? at the moment this is the growing medium i use can it be used as...