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  1. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks man I get a little bit more of a feeling of that good accomplishment feeling every day lol yeah I definitely wanted to over due the outlets just In case ya know, Yeah that wasn't fun at all lol most of that was done by myself to cut in the garage through the yard down the stairs rested...
  2. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Turns out mudding is my least favorite chore on this journey.... not to mention that I suck at it!!....
  3. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks bud
  4. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    A little more progress made today got some mudding done before work also shaved off some excess spray foam that I used to seal around the electrical receptacle before work, Tomorrow I'll have the mudding done then painting Monday. Ohhhh and a lot of my ordered items will arrive tomorrow
  5. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    I built the wall and rough frame wide enough to set in a frame I'll have to shim it level it and then hang my door in, I'll also have to chop the door down a little being it's a shorter than average door for the basement
  6. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Yes they I've yet to put the doors in yet,, will be doing so Thursday or Friday morning along with mudding
  7. Bluskadoo

    DIY Flower Room w/pics from start to finish

    I hear that Ive almost completed a 10x8 flower and 5x6 veg room just have to mud paint and start hanging here soon it's taken some time but im very pleased and have that feeling of self accomplishment considering I've never framed anything lol just motivation the right tools and a bit of common...
  8. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Haha yeah talking electrical is almost like talking Chinese to me lol I know the basics but I knew a guy that hooked mine up for me
  9. Bluskadoo

    DIY Flower Room w/pics from start to finish

    For a not so much diy guy like myself looks like you did a damn good job on the room
  10. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks man! Glad I could be of motivation lol I've been motivated to be finished since I've started lol just a few hours a day and it goes by pretty quick, I'm pretty anxious to start setting up
  11. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    To mud to paint and start hanging goodies
  12. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Back at it Monday! Not to long and roots hit water
  13. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Insulation, vapor barrier, drywall. 1 room together
  14. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks!! Got a little more done this morning
  15. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks I think? Lol. Catchy tune none the less
  16. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks man I appreciate it!!
  17. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Quick update. Got the drywall on the outside done, electrical ran, and the ceiling started
  18. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Thanks guys! It's getting there slowly but surely
  19. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Coming along
  20. Bluskadoo

    A new build begins

    Just recently started a build from the ground up flower and veg room Framing is done. Electricity this weekend and to start drywall Monday