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  1. Chiggachamp

    clones taste and smell different then mom does

    simply the enviorment changed. so the plant adapted.
  2. Chiggachamp

    Good question about repotting!

    No u need to transplant again.
  3. Chiggachamp

    That Spanish Girl? Ya...typical untrustworthy girl

    there are plenty of fine mature caring woman out their. u just are lookin for the wrong ones. if i stick my dick in every bitch who looked my way id have sum fucked up things to share too.
  4. Chiggachamp

    What is the deal with Alien Gear?

    im down playa. just hit me up later this week. did u get em all chopped up?
  5. Chiggachamp

    What is the deal with Alien Gear?

    Ive seen most of hungry mans plants and let me tell you, i def would not think twice about buying those seeds. Maybe he'll let sum clones slip my way after he got me too high to drive home. Lol Dude is very knowledgeable. U should takewhat he has too offer as far as advice goes.
  6. Chiggachamp

    What to do with all the sugar leaf trimmings??

    In my opinon if ur trim is new like a couple hrs or even a day or 2 old i would do bho. Its simple and the newer the trim the better. U smoke it on a jay wrap or u can get a globe which it what i rec. Ihave never been as high as i was 2 nights ago. And it was from sum bho. Only 1 fat dab and...
  7. Chiggachamp

    t5 way too hot

    ^ exactly.
  8. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    kudos too all u guys who said pelvis. i must spread rep to u all i admit i was wrong.. still wish it was a kool lizards skull... maybe next time. :
  9. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    okay guys i figured it out!! i asked a buddy of mine an e was just like "looks like a big horn sheep pelvis" boom popped it up on google and no shit he was right.
  10. Chiggachamp

    transplanting question

    domlite?? or like mold lol
  11. Chiggachamp

    Turning after 30 days of flower???

    ^ not really the only problems. my northern lights had turned all its haors orange about halfway threw also. its normal for sum strains and sum stay white and turm amber after u hang em. read ur plants. u will no if their is a problem with the way its preforming. if u think u over fert them...
  12. Chiggachamp

    transplanting question

    u should transplant maybe 2 days after u water maybe 1 depending on how dry ur medium gets.. but u dont want it so dry the rootball falls apart when u take it out. also do a heavy watering after transplant to make it cozy in its new home i would use ph'd water only hopw that helps bud
  13. Chiggachamp

    Quiet Vegas!

    no i can buy the bog seeds. im talkin bout hungry mans lsd/alien tahoe f1 cross.
  14. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    lol aleight im down to lie to em. why does it matter anywho?? so private land while digging it is. just in my own bavkyard or??
  15. Chiggachamp

    Quiet Vegas!

    Damn sounds like a fire cross. Wish i could get my hands on that! ;)
  16. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    Oh, But just the way the pelvis is shaped on mine that means those spike things would be on the outside not the inside.. I wrote the natural history and they wrote me back just now saying that it is illegle to take. Vertebrate fossiles and or bones from public land so depending on what i found...
  17. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    Close but not quiet. I can definetly see the resemblance but mine has a diff shape
  18. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    Yea hats what im Talkin bout. I could see it bein for nerves. Anywho i still think its a neat find. Definetly gonna be looking for more one my other hikes.
  19. Chiggachamp

    so i found this really cool looking fossil!

    I know, thatswhy i thought it wasalizard cause the way it connects. Im still thinkin its a skull unless sumone can show me other wise. What about the "bottom jaw"? It hasthose holes in it for theeth or afangs or sumthing.