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  1. Infurnoman

    Wtf is up?

    Looks like it could be frost damage
  2. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

  3. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

  4. Infurnoman

    complete walkthrough for outdoor grow (day 1- harvest)

    In my opinion that's too long to germinate your seeds, you are letting them use up their small stores of energy to put out roots into nutrientless cloth. I have always had better luck planting seeds as SOON as they split open so they are into the soil right away.
  5. Infurnoman

    What you can acomplish from the smalest led bulb

    I''ve gotten a 2 ounce harvest indoors having 2 plants squished together under 25w LED blurple panels! They need lots of root space to develop with that little light though.
  6. Infurnoman

    Outdoor Plant Went Into Flower at about 2"4' ?

    It all varies but atleast 2-3 ounces I would say
  7. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

  8. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

  9. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

    I don't know if rain cover is the answer ahah, I elevated my plants compared to last year so hopefully will be better. it wasn't so much the rainfall itself that hurt the plants but the accumulation of it, my field is low and during the intense storm had water flooded up past my knees, causing...
  10. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

    I'm not really sure honestly, I've never grown a plant this big, hoping for atleast a half pound
  11. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

  12. Infurnoman

    What nutrient issue is this?

    No I have never PHed my water before, I actually just ordered a ph pen earlier today lol! Blood and bone meal for nutes, my other plants all look fine recieving the same dosages. I think the problem is that the plant with the issue is in soil that I re used from last year, and I have very very...
  13. Infurnoman

    What nutrient issue is this?

    Really light green compared to my other plants
  14. Infurnoman

    What nutrient issue is this?

    It has already been quite a while since the last feeding, and we have had a decent amount of rain and cloudy weather this week
  15. Infurnoman

    What nutrient issue is this?

    Perhaps the purple really is the strain showing colour, but I still think something is wrong, as it went so pale and droopy in the matter of a few days. I've fed it nitrogen, although it is still yellowing lower leaves, supposing I should add more?
  16. Infurnoman

    What nutrient issue is this?

    I know, but the plant has become much paler green and is growing much slower since the stems have changed
  17. Infurnoman

    What nutrient issue is this?

    So the stems are turning an unhealthy purple on one of my outdoor plants.. The only plant I re used last years soil for, which I can now tell is too drained to be worth using without ammendment. The stems are turning an unhealthy looking purple, and the plant has become much paler green, the...
  18. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

    I am also around 45° north
  19. Infurnoman

    2020 OG Kush 65 gallon

    Yea I havent fed it any blood meal for a while now, and it got bone meal early on that should be starting to become available for it soon. I've never made tea or anything like that before, I'm still fairly new to using nutrients for them so I'm not really sure what the best things are yet...