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  1. welderjesus69

    Strains that don't need much sunlight

    The whole video is worth watching but fast forward to 9 minute mark for relevance to question
  2. welderjesus69

    Strains that don't need much sunlight

    Check out Purple Mr.Nice
  3. welderjesus69

    Lighting for a 4x4 raised bed?

    Haha right? After doing some research through older threads it seems to be the age old argument. I'm cool with either one, just to see for myself. I just wasn't sure on how much wattage for my given area and reliable brands.
  4. welderjesus69

    Lighting for a 4x4 raised bed?

    Thanks for the reply. Can you recommend a reliable 1000 watt light?
  5. welderjesus69

    Lighting for a 4x4 raised bed?

    Thanks! I will check some of those out!
  6. welderjesus69

    Lighting for a 4x4 raised bed?

    What is a good 640w led you would recommend? I dont mind to spend some money on a quality light. Something reliable but nothing over the top that is going to break the bank.
  7. welderjesus69

    Lighting for a 4x4 raised bed?

    I'm looking into setting up a grassroots 4x4 bed using no till living soil. I was wondering what would be the best lighting set up for that? Hps or led? And could I get away with running just one light or would I need two? Most of my experience is outdoors so I'm not that knowledgeable on...
  8. welderjesus69

    Can someone help me identify what is wrong with my plant?

    I'm worried it is leaf septoria.
  9. welderjesus69

    Can someone help me identify what is wrong with my plant?

    A couple of my plants of the same strain are all starting to show the same symptoms over the last couple of weeks. Pretty much all of my leaves are getting small rust circles and starting to turn yellow around the edges. The spots came first and now the yellowing. It seems to be killing alot of...
  10. welderjesus69

    Toxcicity or deficiency?

    I'm currently in my first grow. I'm outdoors gorrilla growing. Bottom third of my holes are subcool super soil and rest is a base I made out of composted horse manure, perlite and peat moss. Plants have been growing good with no problems since June first when they were put in the ground. A week...
  11. welderjesus69

    Best way to apply chitosan oligosaccharide?

    I bought some chitosan after stumbling upon an article about all of its positive effects on plants. I was wondering what the best method was for applying it? Root drench or foliar? And how much to use and how often to apply? The photo I attached shows what kind i purchased. Thanks!
  12. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    So I ended up getting a small tent setup to get my plants started before taking outside. I started out germinating 7 seeds to make sure everything would work out right before doing the rest. I soaked them in water for 24 hours and put them straight into a burpee self watering seed starter kit...
  13. welderjesus69

    Cavern Culture?

    I ordered bat guano to use in my super soil mix using subcools recipe. What I ordered was supposed to be happy frog bat guano with a npk of 0-5-0 which is what is recomended for that recipe. What i just realized now that I'm going to mix everything together is that what I received in the mail...
  14. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    Damn, those are some good looking plants. It looks like you got it all figured out now though!
  15. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    That sounds like a good setup. I'll have to give that a try on my next go around. Wow 7lbs off one that has to be an awesome feeling of accomplishment lol. Especially the area you're growing. Thanks for the advice.
  16. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    Ok that makes sense. Thanks for the advice.
  17. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    Thanks for the info. I'll probably give the seedling cage a go. Ive got a roll of 1/4 screen on hand already I use for sifting for arrowheads. Do you put the plastic all the way around the cage? Or leave any opening for ventilation?
  18. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    I already have the ingridients on hand for subs recipe or I would try out your suggestion. Do you have to cook the epsoma as well? and do you have to add aditional nutes throughout the grow? Ive read on some posts where people said subs was hot. Do you think it was from not being cooked right? I...
  19. welderjesus69

    Help With First Guerilla Grow

    I'm planning on starting my first grow this month. It will be a guerilla grow outdoors since marijuana is still illegal where I live in Ky. After doing a lot of research on these forums this is what Ive decided: -I have 3 really good concealed locations picked out. I plan on growing 4 plants...