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  1. D

    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Thank you much appreciated info :cool:
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    That is basically my set up except from a dehumidifier and humidifier which I have no pics of so I’m now doubting I have negative pressure inside the tent, what could I add to this to help? I’m a newbie so I’m still heavily learning
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Thanks for the reply mate
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Thanks for the replys much appreciated, think I’m going too play it safe by using 2 set ups, one inside one outside :D
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Thanks I will do that, could I use ona gel also? Or another filter on the end of my exhaust ? I don’t want the bobbys knocking on my door obviously
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Cheers for the reply appreciate it
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Just realised my filter is a 4 inch not a 6? Does it matter that I have a 6 inch fan and 4 inch filter ?
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Just realised my filter is a 4 inch not a 6? Does it matter that I have a 6 inch fan and 4 inch filter ?
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Yeah I use tap water, which water would you recommend instead ?
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    I’m not exactly sure I will have to check it out next time i go. But sometimes when I opened the door to go into the garage I was greeted by a slight smell of the flower
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Thanks for all the filter and Fan have only done 1 cycle before this with no problems, will most likely buy a bigger fan and filter and maybe try the ona gel.The quality of the neighbor is bad.. he knows what’s happening but since the smell has leaked into he’s garage things turned...
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    Neighbors/smell problem help?

    Hi all, basically my neighbor has pulled me to one side and said he can smell a strong smell of cannabis, he’s took me inside he’s garage and I must admit it does slightly smell which worried me. We both have a 20ft x 20ft garage out the back and basically they are semi attatched to each other...
  13. D

    What to do with trim??

    Cheers for the reply mate, but that seems to complex for me
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    What to do with trim??

    What kind of return would I be looking at ? I’ve seen videos/tutorials but never an actual figure of return
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    What to do with trim??

    Good afternoon all, I’m looking for advice on what to do with my trim? I have 70g of trimmed leaves ( not fan leaves ) and 23g of tiny/broken buds,