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  1. BB84

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Its rife further down here in UK. Little squirts (young lads, hoods up, couldnt lift a dumbell types) ripping people off. Its terrible considering its about 5 mins work for them, they shouldnt be making any more than a tenner a time for small deals.
  2. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    Hilarious, how did u stumble across this thread?
  3. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    Sounds like its been thought through and well organised there. Strange theyve not managed it here yet but they might eventually
  4. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    How did it make the black market unprofitable. Is it cuz of being allowed to grow at home do u think?
  5. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    oh wow thats what we need here, it would make a huge difference. Yeah just a plant producing 1 oz would be a years supply for me easy haha
  6. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    god knows and 10 yrs on now haha.
  7. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    Thats great to hear, how many can you grow and is it for recreational? Ive always wondered about this and if they would legalise it here but keep growing in your home illegal
  8. BB84

    UK Legalisation

    Shame, now 10 years on and still nothing, urghh, hopefully they will realise the benefits of legalisation soon. Imagine growing just one plant a year and never having to go to the dealer again
  9. BB84

    Uk legalization is on the way

    hmmmmm well its a step in the right direction but its only for medical at the moment. We already grow here and ship to the states so if they create more farms here we can start supplying here to medical users more. Then hopefully realize what wonderfull growing space there is in places like...
  10. BB84

    Prices UK

    I paid £60 for a 1/4. Got home and weighed it at 5 Gram..... indeed, what theeee... Ripped off by 2 Gram. Plus can only presume £60 for a 1/4 would have been a decent price in first place? On that note with prices being pushed up and god know what, what's peoples opinion on it being legalized...
  11. BB84

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Makes sense cuz i asked for a Q and got 5g!!! Weighed it wen i got home. Unless my scales are wrong so will try on another scale but my deal always seems to be down
  12. BB84

    The UK Growers Thread!

    More like a 1/4 would be better would you say?
  13. BB84

    How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

    Is this dollars or pounds?
  14. BB84

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Weed prices UK- £60 for 5 gram. Is this any good?
  15. BB84

    Any other gym rats out there?

    Do u think he meant 8 - 10 reps per set?
  16. BB84

    Help... someones smelt my grow :(

    Potency- youre not wrong there lol. Been trying some of my last years grow and boy does it pong. Sprinkle a bit on my hot biscuit works better than a toke cuz its gone very dry
  17. BB84

    Any other gym rats out there?

    oh jeez lol
  18. BB84

    Any other gym rats out there?

    800-1000 reps per set?? Ru sure ur not on speed lol or do these reps include punching the bag? Ive been working out at home since march- ive got a mini step machine, a step and dumbells. I miss doing deadlift in gym but thats all- was managing 80kg at one point
  19. BB84

    Any other gym rats out there?

    800-1000 reps per set?? Ru sure ur not on speed lol or do these reps include punching the bag? Ive been working out at home since march- ive got a mini step machine, a step and dumbells. I miss doing deadlift in gym but thats all- was managing 80kg at one point
  20. BB84

    Drying buds Outside.. Need advice

    Looks great, and at least you know for next time :weed: