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  1. Dalek Supreme

    A actual serious question for Christians

    Actually if one considers that the NT Gospels are entirely fictional allegories (partly through doctrinal war, and mystery religion elements) that mirrors OT patriarch narratives, and Homeric epics. And that Christ Jesus of Paul is a celestial being perceived out OT scripture (including texts we...
  2. Dalek Supreme

    Sterile rez?

    I use household bleach with no problem (as long as I do not over do it).
  3. Dalek Supreme

    First ever grow

    Nice 1st grow...
  4. Dalek Supreme

    Sterile rez?

    I just use plain bleach throuh a pipette. No more than 3 drops per gallon of water.
  5. Dalek Supreme

    I give up, this is not for me...

    My experience with DWC is it grows a lot of roots that's not needed. Passive hydro Hempy for the win for my style of grow.
  6. Dalek Supreme

    I give up, this is not for me...

    Looks to me you're over thinking things. You should read my simple tutorial, and maybe something will click to make you go "Oh yeah". Then you'll restart all new in the mind, and a better idea where things went wrong. You don't need all that fancy stuff just paying attention to what the plant...
  7. Dalek Supreme

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology
  8. Dalek Supreme

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    "41.027 But verily We shall cause those who disbelieve to taste an awful doom, and verily We shall requite them the worst of what they used to do. 41.028 That is the reward of Allah's enemies: the Fire. Therein is their immortal home, payment forasmuch as they denied Our revelations." "33.066...
  9. Dalek Supreme

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    Here's clear proof of a scientific miracle in the Quran in that 1,400 years ago knowledge of cloning was revealed. Quran (Pickthall) "4.056 Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins...
  10. Dalek Supreme

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    Translation: Muslims cannot see error, hear error, and speak error. Note I use the honest Pickthall translation rather than deceiver translations especially with the use of afterthought cheating "[ ]" brackets. "051.047 We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast...
  11. Dalek Supreme

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    Cosmology Miracle in the Quran (part 2 of 2) Quran (Pickthall) "2.029b ...Then turned He to the heaven, and *fashioned it as seven heavens."* "41.012 *Then He ordained them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate; and We decked the nether heaven with lamps, and...
  12. Dalek Supreme

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    How did 1400 years of the uncorrupted Quran know these things which only science now reveals? Cosmology Miracle in the Quran (part 1 of 2) Quran (Pickthall) "21.030 *Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece* (Gen. 1:2a "the earth was a formless void...
  13. Dalek Supreme

    Seeing Numbers? 11:11? Synchronicities? Paranoia? Deja-vu's? Schizophrenia

    Evolution made us pattern seekers to the point where there is no meaning we convince ourselfs there is.
  14. Dalek Supreme

    Jesus are you real?

    First off I thought you were using an old apologetic (probably a form of it). Free will is more of an illusion (people have less free will than others), but I doubt you can handle the science behind it. You are using your imagination to reinterpret retellings of ancient myths. You think...
  15. Dalek Supreme

    New age movement is Satanic

    Imaginationism at it's finest.
  16. Dalek Supreme

    psychedelics and spiritual realization/enlightement

    Poor orange juice on a computer's motherboard. Watch it get enlightened.
  17. Dalek Supreme

    Theism= Thought Addiction

    You like to constantly bring up government in this conversation. It's a non-sequiter. Sure some people think just the right government is their savior, but this varies (just like religions). Religion is not part of our evolution, but it takes advantage of what blind evolution cannot prepare...