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  1. C

    7 weeks of flower

    I think the seed may have just been a mutant. It is still stretching a lot. I dont think I will be getting much in terms of smokable buds, and will end up trying to get concentrate from it.
  2. C

    7 weeks of flower

    Thanks for the input, and yes, it is from seed. This is the second time I have grown it. The first time was pretty good. Very citrussy smelling, good sized buds, and a really good sativa. I think you are right about it just being a bad seed. I was leaning towards that thinking, as well.
  3. C

    7 weeks of flower

    More pics
  4. C

    7 weeks of flower

    Light cycle is 12/12. When the tent was flipped to 12/12, I was away for a week or so and was informed that my home may have experienced a power outage that may have lasted a day or two, but that was at the beginning of Sept. and the three other plants all have decent colas.
  5. C

    7 weeks of flower

    This is an Arjan Ultra Haze 2. Estimated flowering time is over 10 weeks. This is the second time I have grown this strain, but I don't remember it being like this the first time around. There is little to no crystallization, and no colas seem to be forming. It is in a tent with three other...
  6. C

    Hindu Kush issues

    The soil is happy frog, the container size is 3 gallons and the amount of water is about half a gallon. And for fertilizer, I use about half the amount suggested on the containers.
  7. C

    Greenman’s organic garden

    Looking good
  8. C

    Hindu Kush issues

    My Hindu Kush is growing, but no where near optimally. As can be seen in the pics, the leaves are deformed and not characteristic of what Hindu kush leaves are described as. My understanding is the leaves should be broad, but my plant's leaves are slender like a sativa. The plant was vegged...
  9. C

    Is this a herme banana?

  10. C

    Is this a herme banana?

    I searched herme bananas and I suspect that is what I have here. The plant is a Sherbet and I just gave it its last water with nutes, so it will get a couple more watering with no nutes.
  11. C

    Defoliation in veg??

    What if leaves are covering new branches? I have been low stressing my photoperiod plants and fan leaves are covering tops. The plants are 23-25 days. I plan on switching the light cycle at 5 weeks or 34-36 days old. Some of the fan leaves are already massive. If the fan leaves are removed...
  12. C

    Leaf Issue

    It's not a thousand watts, the model is called ts1000. It is on the lowest setting. I have fed nutes to the plants (there are three other plants that are not show unhealthy signs) three times and they are not showing nute burn.
  13. C

    Leaf Issue

  14. C

    Leaf Issue

    This is a Maui woaui. Growing in happy frog with adv. nutes micro, grow, bloom mix. The leaves are the thrid set, and started showing unhealthy signs around day 10 of its life. It is now day 12. Being lit by Mars hydro ts1000. Humidity is around 50% and high temp is about 25°c.