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  1. Fuzzyfarms

    Auto flower producing seeds

    Hi, first time grower I grew an auto flower Afghan without a grow tent and had some light stress to the top of the plant. I’m planning on harvesting in a few weeks anyways but I wanted to ask should I pull these two seeds that I see or let it be? I have thoroughly looked at the rest of the...
  2. Fuzzyfarms

    Spots after first week in hydro (n00b warning)

    I had the same thing happen early and it was cal mag deficiency. I’d recommend getting cal mag and mixing with your watering. I am not sure where you are but it’s been hot outside so two weeks watering may be little.
  3. Fuzzyfarms

    Top leaf burn

    Hi guys, first time grow in a very small 3 gallon bag. Auto flower Afghan, I have been using a light without a closet and believe may have left the light too close to the plant. The brown dots are from cal mag issues which were fixed but now the top is looking really burned and my biggest fan...
  4. Fuzzyfarms

    Cal- Mag deficiency?

    Update: after doing some research, I have concluded that it is rust on the bottom leaves and found a product that can be used to prevent the spread of any further rust. I purchased the Safer's Sulphur dust and mixed with water to apply as a spray. Hopefully this fixes the issues. Nutes: Since...
  5. Fuzzyfarms

    Spidermites and empty tent for next run

    hey man. I had some rusting on my girl and picked up Safer's Sulphur Dust Fungicide which is a preventative for rust, mites and scabs. I am sure it'll be no help now, but maybe consider it for your next grow. I literally picked it up this morning and sprayed down the girls.
  6. Fuzzyfarms

    Cal- Mag deficiency?

    Hi everyone! This girls is a little past 4 weeks old. It’s an autoflower Afghan, in soil. I noticed some deficiencies in the leafs. Based on my research I believe it may be cal mag deficiency as I’ve been using RO water with liquid seaweed to feed. I am running to the store for some cal mag...
  7. Fuzzyfarms

    Plz help! Overwatered?!

    thanks man, I may have panicked and transplanted too early, but my other seedlings dying in the same medium was just giving me weird feeling. I just want to clarify whether you think it was over or under watered in the first pic; the first pic was this morning, and it got worst and the 2nd pic...
  8. Fuzzyfarms

    Plz help! Overwatered?!

    Hey guys! Thanks for all the replies, the situation had gotten worst so I had no option but to transplant immedietly. I think the growing medium was the issue as there was zero root development (all pics I see of you guys there’s nice white roots during transplant) , not sure if they burnt or...
  9. Fuzzyfarms

    Plz help! Overwatered?!

    great thanks for the reply, i'll start doing direct watering and will try bottom feeding too since it is in a jiffy cup. Any particular diagnosis based on the picture? are you suggesting it is under watered?
  10. Fuzzyfarms

    Plz help! Overwatered?!

    Hi folks, This mystery bag seed is on Day 24 in the jiffy cup uncle some CFL lights. When I started this I didn’t have happy frog on hand and this began in miracle gro (store potting soil). I was being very careful w watering early on only giving a few mists but started going higher last few...
  11. Fuzzyfarms

    Status update!

    Thanks for the reply bud. I hear that's the popular solution; does the carbon filter and inline fan still work if it's not in a "closet". The wedding cake looks amazing BTW; if the Afghan auto turns out half as good, i'd be happy.
  12. Fuzzyfarms

    Status update!

    Hi guys! Hope everyone’s doing well! Doing my first ever grow indoors using a CFL. I wanted to post some pictures and get some feedback in terms of how they look so far and advice for the future. As you can tell I’m not growing in a closet, rather a make shift Skipthedishes bag with a CFL over...
  13. Fuzzyfarms

    Seed husk pull

    bit of an update on the little fella, the first set of leafs weren't able to stand and completely falling over. I tried to support them with a paper clip which didn't go well. I wanted to see if there was any root development and it had grown quite a bit (2 inches). I replanted it for now...
  14. Fuzzyfarms

    Seed husk pull

    Thanks Mick, noted that last night and helped it off with a tweezer successfully. Little girl looked sad but I am giving it the day today under light and see what takes place. 6 hour dark period didn't do much to bring it up. I feel like I am being a bit impatient too, and expecting it to grow...
  15. Fuzzyfarms

    Seed husk pull

    Hi everyone, First time grower here on a super low budget grow! I have two seeds germinated, I’m posting about the second one which took a bit longer to sprout. Problem: today it sprouted well our the soil with the husk stuck in top. I safely removed the last husk and the sister is...