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  1. T

    On the edge of disaster!

    I disagree, that plant looks like it could have enough nitrogen for 4 plants.
  2. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Couple cackleberries going here not too much older, day 37 Two different smells as of now. One more fruity and the other more earthy skunk. Looking to be a decent yield for both so far. Getting a lot of purple coming from one already.
  3. T

    How to know if clones are rooting

    Shouldn’t need misting after the first few days unless you’re in a very dry environment. Clones misted too long will be slower to root as the plant is getting all its moisture through the leaves and not trying to root
  4. T

    when to outdoor my clone???

    Depending on location after frost obviously. I wait until the day light is 15+ hours. Short days could prematurely trigger flowering.
  5. T

    Will this help keep deer away? (Pics)

    I’ve encountered deer while checking my somewhat gorilla grow last year. They never messed with any of my plants. I assume they liked something better in the area. Maybe try planting something they enjoy more than marijuana. Seems logical I suppose.
  6. T

    Need help, when Can I transplant seeds outside.

    It’s latitude dependent mostly, next would be strain. I’m at 43• and I put them out late May with good weather. Have to ask a local likely around the same time, maybe a bit later.
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    R.I.P plants

    Hate to join the club but got ripped as well! 9 all together. Definitely a fucky feeling.
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    It's all in the beholder. If I had an excess of outdoor I prefer to get rid of it quickly with one deal. Make less for the weight but far less risky than nickel and dimeing it. As far as gram for gram I believe outdoor has the same value as indoor.
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    24 hour light vegetatative indoors.. Want to continue vegetative outdoors

    You can keep them in veg with artificial light interruptions during darkness, if that's an option.
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    Let's play Name That Deficiency!!

    How a deficiency shows up depends on the nutrient or mineral it is deficient. Mobile nutrients will show up on the oldest growth whereas immobile will show up on newer growth. Plant in question maybe be deficient in sulfur
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    How many air changes per minute?

    I thought as long as you have negative pressure
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    What bug is this and what sexes do you think these are?

    Plant 3 I agree female. other one nothing really showing
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    To trim, or not to trim..that is the question!

    I wouldn't trim anything
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    White line help!!!

    Oh I thought you needed help with another white line
  15. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    anyone running sky pilot? My outdoor is going to be consisted of that with a mix of various seeds found throughout the year. I decided to pollinate the female with the two males from the sexing process a while back. Just finished up this week. If any one has ran it outdoor or in please chime in!
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    Dam Mother Nature

    A bunch of new growth will come from those flowers. You could cut them if you plan on using, otherwise leave them
  17. T

    What do YOU consider to be day 1 of flower?

    It's whenever you want to start counting. I count from the photoperiod as it can take a week or two to even begin showing pistils.
  18. T

    Any one have any luck growing out one of these mutations?

    Strain is sky pilot from Greenpoint. First true set of leaves grew 3 with no point for new growth. Ended up pretty much topping itself from the start. New growth seems to be normal. Thought I've seen this before but couldn't find anything on it. Thanks in advance