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  1. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    @Anybody .Am i too newbe of a member to get a reasonable response...? looked on as hijacking thread or sumthin? new to forums, dont know the local etiquet. )) So would any body else know anything about 'Our good friend' of Archive 'Tim' from colorado. Who provided the Amnesia used in Memory...
  2. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    @ThaDocta1... Do you know who 'Tim' the good friend of Archive seedbank is ?? he was responsible for the Amnesia 'Tim's' cut used in Archive's Memory Loss line. Would appreciate any info please Even a 'No' is suffice...
  3. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    @ThaDocta1... Do you know who 'Tim' the good friend of Archive seedbank is ?? he was responsible for the Amnesia 'Tim's' cut used in Archive's Memory Loss line. Would appreciate any info please
  4. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    Even a Thanks ))
  5. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    Thadocta1... Do you know who 'Tim' the good friend of Archive seedbank is ?? he was responsible for the Amnesia 'Tim's' cut used in Archive's Memory Loss line. Would appreciate any info please
  6. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    Thadocta1... Do you know who 'Tim' the good friend of Archive seedbank is ?? he was responsible for the Amnesia 'Tim's' cut used in Archive's Memory Loss line. Would appreciate any info please
  7. M

    Archive Seed Bank

    Hi, Excus me if im wrong here but ive been Searching for who was responsible for Lemon Amnesia. Moreso 'Tim's cut' Amnesia - X Face off Og BX1.Do you know who Tim is, Archive breeder?? After my looking around i was hoping Tim was you. lol or you know info on Lemon Amnesia. Please help any info...