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  1. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    It's windy as fuck today can't get a great pic
  2. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Day 3 and this will be the last photo untill she's in full flower don't want to bore you guys with the same shit lol but yeah day 3 and she's nearly back to normal looking great today in my opinion lol. so yeah guys droopy branch/stem dry leaves fucking re pot lmao when you have no soil problem...
  3. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Day 3 and she's fucking back to normal nearly!!! I'm so happy it's unreal I thought I'd fucked her by not re potting quick enough but me baby is loving her new home this is her now guys day 3 of re pottinf
  4. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Hey mate she was root bound was never an issue with watering finally took her out checked her and this was her root system. She wasn't soaked and she hadn't dried up she just had no more room to grow lol day 1 of re potting and she's perked up already. Hopefully she will now blossom into and...
  5. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    What do you mean crisscross your fan leaves? One of my friends said I should take them off but I'm sure I read up they bring the main source of energy to the plant should I start to take some of the lower leaves off
  6. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Hey mate it was neither under or over watered she was becoming root bound I had a feeling it wasnt a watering problem due to good drainage and always watering when needed... But anyways re potted once again and she's perked up on day 1 already so I'm glad I found the cause to her problem she...
  7. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Just got home and Day 1 of re potting and she's already perked up way more from yesterday still a tad droop but I did pull the fan leaves down a little few weeks ago to make room for the lower bud branches to absorb the sun light... Probably a stupid idea lmao... 100% think this was about to be...
  8. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Yep I'm going water untill I get run off every time now I know her drainage is fine in this new container so hopefully all goes well now and yeah lol I have a habit of putting xxxx at the end of a message haha
  9. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Hey thanks for the reply mate yeah I thought they looked great I'm glad she's our of thag 40 liter pot now and into a new one will update with pics in the next few days
  10. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Hey mate thanks for the reply by all the pictures you can see it's the stem/branch the leaves aren't full of water and where dry to a touch. Like the newest photos she was re potted and when she was took out the soil was perfectly fine not soaked and not to dry she came out nicely.... I thibk...
  11. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Yeah lol I kept thinking to my self I never changed her watering so it made no sense lol but thank you for all your help hopefully like u say in the next few days she perks right up couldn't believe the root system on her was crazy think she would of died if I left her any longer it was my own...
  12. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Sme more since re potting today
  13. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Well I took her out guys!!!! She felt normal I think she was becoming root bound by the pictures I'm about to show... She wasn't soaked she had gone 3 days no water thags only beacuse I needed her dry to pull her out... At first things didn't go to plan lol she was to big for the shape pot I got...
  14. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    This is what I mean with the leaves looking normal and healthy ish lol just the stem/branch thay is drooping
  15. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thank you gives me more hope in re potting her today if you have had deer rip plants out and banged them back in the ground and still grown lol
  16. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    So this is an underwatering issue then?? It's what I've been thinking today. Droopy stem/branch but leaves dry like paper no clawing leaves nothing! If your telling me 10 liters every morning I've been watering her so wrong and she's been getting like 3 liters every 2-3 days! But she dropped...
  17. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Her this morning and shit guys I just thought isn't it bad to re pot a plant unless she's dry as a damp lift out could cause the rootball to rip apart??? She has been 2 days since watering thought I'd ask lol
  18. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thank you so much she's getting re potted soon as i finish work fingers crossed all goes well.. Still has a bit of a droop this morning not got any worse pots still heavy like a mother fucker it's like it's not getting lighter 2 days since watering.... Well this is the last pic of her before...
  19. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Hahaha I might of been a bit high last night jt and used a knife but I was really careful lol