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  1. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    I'll add feed to the next water fuck Sake! Just watered her a shit loads today
  2. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Shit I forgot to ask you something! Because my mate embedded the thought of harvesting early I've been flushing with no feed for the last week! Should I add feed to the next water or just carry on with just water I feel like this is a stupid question and she's going to still need feed haha
  3. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    I'm just hoping it doesn't hit the top buds
  4. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Shit I didn't know about them being prone to herm that sucks
  5. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    And its just the one plant mate wish I had a few this was my project for next year so I'll plan to do around 20 next year fingers crossed all goes well No I'm going to leave it now mate
  6. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Thanks mate appreciate it alot! This is my first grow, from all the replies I'm 100% leaving her till the end now like you all say so what if I get a few seeds better than premature bud and this girl has giving me so much stress I deserve a good reward at the end hahaha but yeah man I'm praying...
  7. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    I think she's around week 6-7 mate and yeah I have been picking them off keeping the seeds as from what I've read a female plant stressed out and turned hermie are guaranteed female seeds so guess that's the only bonus for me haha but yeah I'm so in two minds it's not just the fact she's going...
  8. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Yeah I have taken off the bud sites that had the seeds in they where scraggley buds anyways... I'm hoping your right and they don't manage to get into any of the top buds they are only in the lower branches but yeah going to finish her off id say a week maybe 2 tops left
  9. B

    Help with male or female

    Looks female to me
  10. B

    The "you tell me when its time to harvest" thread!

    I know this isn't a new thread but wtf!!!! How in your right mind can you even put a picture of that fucking mouldy ass plant and ask should you harvest surely something in your brain thought that shit don't look right!! Damn I don't mean to be harsh but that shit right there is a massive lack...
  11. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Cheers guys going to let her finish fuck it like you say nothing wrong with free seeds will let you know how it goes peace out r guys thanks for the replies
  12. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Quick pick of her tonight
  13. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Fuck sake you've twisted my arm a bit I'm thinking of finishing her off I mean the amount of people that want stardawg seeds in my town is ridiculous
  14. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Okay so they won't get fatter??? Maybe time to harvest then and yeah man I'll keep the seeds least its a strong strain I love my stardawg
  15. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    You flip one for me heads I harvest tails I don't Hahaha
  16. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Yeah I did think it's a 50/50 do I ride it out let them fill with seeds and have fat mature bud or do I chop early and have seedless bud and less stronger bud fuck sake!! I'm so stuck with what to do
  17. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Yeah mate I've found them already
  18. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Don't know bro I'd say maybe the same week yours look beaut tho man
  19. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Tbh is say yours are a week infront
  20. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    Fuck mate near enough same stage as me what are you doing seeing it out or harvesting