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  1. vhawk

    Potency results, N. Lights 5, 1st grow

    I'm stoked. Was told to expect 15% thc with this strain. Getting 22% feels pretty good. Anyone else have their NL tested? Blueberry is vegging now. I believe it's a stronger strain. Can't wait...
  2. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Topped, and pulled the uppermost fan leaves. Upped the fertilizer concentration to 1250 ppm, ph 6.2. Same nutes as before; fox farms Grow big, Cal-Mag, and Big Bloom for veg.
  3. vhawk


    I don't defoliate roses, but twice during the active growing season remove 2/3's of the plant, leaving only the several of the largest canes about a foot off the soil. That's far more fucking radical a stress then plucking off fan leaves. I do remove vast amounts of material from cherry vines...
  4. vhawk


    Hybrid tea roses defoliate on their own as well, but unpruned roses look and produce shit for flowers. Some plants respond well to the right stressors
  5. vhawk


    Lots of plants respond vigorously to defoliation, and heavy pruning. Hybrid tea roses for example. But this argument won't go anywhere. It's too emotionally charged.
  6. vhawk


    Left one plant alone for the most part, the other three I defoliated heavily at about week 6, and week 9 after germination. Not any difference in yield. But fuck! The defoliated plants were kicking out medium sized fan leaves with trichs, buds got super sticky. 40 grams of dried trim made 9...
  7. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Dropped the plant in a 7 gallon smart pot 10 days after it germinated. Setting in Fox Farms ocean soil. Hooked up the 400w hps. Its getting 50,000 lux according to my meter. I'm going to keep using the wheeled planter pot holder. Kept the pot from sitting in drainage water. Also gave me enough...
  8. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    I would totally scale up pots if they weren't smart pots. After examining the roots after harvest the pots worked as advertised. I'm using a bigger put though this time.
  9. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Are you using smart or air pots?
  10. vhawk

    Blueberry, 400w single seed, defoliation

    Sprouted 2 seeds but am giving one away. The gf challenged me to see how much I can yield from a single plant in my 8 Sq ft tent. Plant is blueberry, from Southern Oregon seed bank. Seed is feminized. Germinated in wet towels. Spending its first 10 days in Black Gold seedling mix. Afterwards...
  11. vhawk

    First grow, how am I doing?

    After all was said and done on my first grow, the thing I wish I had more of was... space. That extra space gives a lot more room for training, for lighting, for ventilation, for a bigger pot. The space you're using is so tiny. It's like you're trying to grow a beefsteak tomato in a shoebox...
  12. vhawk

    changed my nute mixtures and messed up my garden

    Flush the hell out of them with ph corrected water 6.4 ph. Next feed make sure you have an EC/TDS meter and keep it under 800ppm with your feeding. I'm guessing that you don't check your ph and concentrations on your water after you mix in the nutrients since you don't mention any values. Buy...
  13. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    The bud is dry and stable at 62%. It's just starting to mellow. As I understand it'll be another 6 weeks before it's done curing. I'm happy with the way it smokes. Actually I'm happy with the way it hits the gf. She stops talking for an hour.
  14. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    These are just pics of the trim I'm smoking. Maybe I don't know any better but they seem pretty loaded with thc just from smoking it.
  15. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Someone said "wet weight don't mean shit". Glad I didn't argue. After a few days of drying and the curing process starting, total dry weight for the whole grow was 312 gm. Not enough to go running thru the streets naked, but not shamefully low either. There's another 90 gm of high grade trim...
  16. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    15 Oz wet trim from the last plant in this first grow. I had to chop. Close look at trichs and in was around 10-15% amber. One huge cola, fair amount of decent bud, fuck ton of frosty larf for hash. If this dries the same, I expect about 4 to 5 oz of dried bud. I'll do the math later but I'm...
  17. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    I've got one that won't finish out of the four. It's on day 72 of flower. Trichomes all clear or cloudy, 50% new stigma (pistils) , 50% orange. I'm going to keep watering and lightly feeding it. Don't really care. I'm curious how far it'll go if I don't starve it. You can see the branches are...
  18. vhawk

    For the love of god help?

    I think it's a 30 year old Indica dominant hybrid from Seattle. God only knows how true to the original NL strain it is but the seeds I got all sprouted. And they thrived in spite of my bullshit. I've got one that won't finish though out of the four. It's on day 72 of flower. Trichomes all...
  19. vhawk

    For the love of god help?

    After careful consideration I chose Northern lights for my first grow. Was not disappointed in yield, how tolerant it was, and especially how frosty it turned out. The pics are from chop and trim of just one of 4 plants. Good luck to you. Things are looking better.
  20. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    I used seed from southern oregon seeds. It's sold as Pure Northern Lights.