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  1. Horselover fat


    Your position is untenable, because it doesn't make sense. You either support Russian empire gobbling up countries at their will or you support independent countries' right to be independent. There really is no middle ground. Edit: what is clear is that the war would not have started if russia...
  2. Horselover fat


    Yes, if only there was sonething Russia could do to stop the war... Hey, what about if Russia stopped waging the war?
  3. Horselover fat


    You say Russia shouldn't invade Ukraine, but anything done against such action is bad somehow.
  4. Horselover fat


    Actually... You should agree Russia land locking Ukraine is not a good thing, if you believe Russia threatening the world with famine is not a good thing.
  5. Horselover fat


    Completely irrelevant to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Not more than since the start of the war. Also you should agree that Russia landlocking Ukraine is not good thing, if you indeed believe Russia should not be invading Ukraine.
  6. Horselover fat


    Large part. Uhm, yeah. Does not look like great success to me. How much they control is still irrelevant to the fact that they should not be there at all.
  7. Horselover fat


    Rather unsuccesfully, but still not cool at all.
  8. Horselover fat


    A part of it, yes. And it's not cool.
  9. Horselover fat


    So in essence you are saying Russia should be allowed to invade Ukraine.
  10. Horselover fat


    You put them in your mouth. And they are ugly words.
  11. Horselover fat


    You are back to saying Russia should be allowed to use and invade countries at their will.
  12. Horselover fat


    If noone should supply ukraine with weapons Russia would be able to invade Ukraine easily. So saying noone should supply arms is saying russia should be allowed to invade ukraine. The war would not even have started if Russia didn't start it. It would end if Russia stopped waging it. Russian...
  13. Horselover fat


    Russia. You seem to have no problem with them invading a sovereign country.
  14. Horselover fat


    Being an apologist for a fascist empire is not good look on you or anyone @Lucky Luke
  15. Horselover fat


    ^FDF produces some pretty high quality videos. This is an exercise for joint fire control for different branches of military. Eng subs. This is the main battle exercise for 2021 This one is a scripted training video on how a war might start. Takes a couple of minutes to get going, but...
  16. Horselover fat


    Finland, sweden, denmark and norway all have conscription. In finland you can instead choose civilian service or go to prison (open prison, not very prison like).
  17. Horselover fat


    Money is first and foremost created when someone gets a loan. The bulk of money represents banks’ debts to the public. When a bank grants a loan, both its assets and liabilities increase. The lending bank asks the customer to sign a promissory note and adds the resulting receivable to its...
  18. Horselover fat


    Yes, when a bank gives out a loan it doesn't loan out money it has. Instead they create the currency and transfer it to you. Now the bank is more in debt and you have money. When you pay back the loan the bank's debt is zeroed and they get a bit more money from you in form of interest.
  19. Horselover fat


    This is actually something finland could do. We train 10 000 new conscripts twice a year for six months anyway (about half of them train for a year).
  20. Horselover fat

    Can you germinate seeds in your hair?

    Yes. They could do a photo plant instead of an auto, but that is a big commitment. Probably not the best idea for their first hair grow.