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  1. CanadianJim

    Is this going to die?

    My cat just sniffed my plants, then ignored them until they were the right size to use as cover while hunting. I wish I had a video of her leaping out from behind it to take one of those white butterflies right out of the air as it was about to land on the plant. I had a pot of catnip nearby to...
  2. CanadianJim

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    Thanks for this, I'm thinking of trying out a few autos and this should give me a consistent mix to test them. Reduce the variables.
  3. CanadianJim

    A question about trifoliate plants

    Yeah, that came up as I was researching it. As did the possibility of it being just this one node. The leaves of the plants from this set of seeds were all curled up like ram's horns when they popped up from the soil. The first set of true leaves grew that way too, on all of them. Two of them...
  4. CanadianJim

    A question about trifoliate plants

    Hey all, I'm on a run of 12/12 from seed, and one of the plants has just switched from 2 leaves per node to 3. I'm aware that this is a fairly common mutation, but while researching it I read that its more common for Durban Poison to show this mutation. Is that true? Or is it stoner "science"...
  5. CanadianJim

    I have muti plant in one pot.

    I've used clear pots without problems. If the roots aren't turning green there's no reason to worry about them. The more room your roots have to spread out the better your yields will be, so separating the plants, if they're young enough to do so without much damage would be a good idea. Unless...
  6. CanadianJim

    When do i have to move my seedlings to a bigger pot?

    I just checked and one of those holds about as much soil as an expanded Jiffy pellet, so I would just use the pellets and pot up to a solo cup (called that because that's the name of the company that makes them if the stamp on the bottom is to be believed), or something like a margarine tub, or...
  7. CanadianJim

    Can you use synthetic nutes in living soil?

    Lol, worst soil I ever grew in was cheap crap, and it must've been organic, I found a live earthworm in the pot when I dumped it into the compost. Pretty big one too. Wasn't there when I was putting handfuls onto the pot so I guess it was an egg.
  8. CanadianJim

    Can you use synthetic nutes in living soil?

    One easy way to tell that this is bs is to pour a bit of synthetic nutrient solution into a cup and leave it out. You'll notice bacteria growing on it pretty quick.
  9. CanadianJim

    Can you use synthetic nutes in living soil?

    What I've read suggests that synthetic nutes harm mycorrhizae by providing the plant with what it needs, so it had no need to trade sugars for nutrients with them, however I am skeptical of this. For one thing that would imply that plants have a thought process and can decide to trade with...
  10. CanadianJim

    When do i have to move my seedlings to a bigger pot?

    Those things only break down if they're constantly wet. I started using them a few years ago for my peppers and tomatoes. I had some problems this year using those with some hot peppers this year. The roots found their way out the hole in the bottom, but the ones that tried to grow through the...
  11. CanadianJim

    Mold-Free, Thankful, & Lookin' for Good, Solid Advice...

    Those aren't monarch eggs. They're too spherical, and monarchs never lay in clusters like that, the first one to hatch would eat the others. Monarchs only lay eggs on milkweed, it's the only plant their caterpillars are able to eat. Had lots of monarchs this year, not a single egg on my outdoor...
  12. CanadianJim

    Fan leaves turning away from light

    Had a Cherry Bomb do that this year, outdoor. Just one set of fan leaves near the top turning edge on to the sun. Happened every day till harvest. Still don't know why, but if it happened to your indoor hydro plant, and my outdoor soil plant, then environmental factors seem unlikely. I wouldn't...
  13. CanadianJim

    Is my plant herming?

    If there were seeds in those calyxes the pistils would've receded, at least a little bit. If you're really worried take a pin or needle and poke it in there, if there's a seed it'll stop the pin. But like the other guys said, female plant, normal calyxes.
  14. CanadianJim

    Adding soil to compost or?

    Depending where you are of course. Hard to plant a cover crop under 6 feet of snow.
  15. CanadianJim

    i love my weed but it tastes turrrrrrrrible

    Lol, I read it in a Green Jelly voice
  16. CanadianJim

    Gnats or Aphids?

    You can get nematodes at home depot, and the amount they sell you is usually used for a yard, so you'll get plenty. They come in a ball, you just have to make sure you water properly at application. I'm pretty sure that nutes have no effect on them, as they live perfectly happily in heavily...
  17. CanadianJim

    Adding soil to compost or?

    For stuff in the ground, I just leave it. You may want to switch up where you plant things though. Next year's tomatoes are going across the yard from the last few years. In the late fall (or early winter depending on your area) after a few years I get one of those huge bags of soil, you know...
  18. CanadianJim

    Male or female

    There is nothing in that pic to show sex either way. You do have alternate growth at the top there, If you really want to know what it is I say flower it. If the others have grown 5 feet in the time it took this one to grow to the point in the pic you'll be waiting about a year before she's big...
  19. CanadianJim

    Free weed to whomever helps me solve this

    It's probably a calcium deficiency. I had something similar on a plant that had been getting tap water/hose water, then the rainy days started and I didn't have to water her again, until I noticed the deficiencies start. RO removes calcium, and coco often needs more calmag.