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  1. X

    Where are the crystals on my Big Bud????

    Ok so I have gone through the stages... I got the seeds, i grew them big enough to cut some clones... I put the clones under 12/12.... I found the females... I killed the males... I cut more clones... I put 13 clones under 2 400 watt HPS lamps... I have proper ventilation.... I keep the temp...
  2. X

    Topping? When?

    Hey guys, do all of you top your plants? If so how long do you wait or how tall are the plants before you do so? Is it a good idea to top your plants you are growing in to mothers? I grew some White Widow a couple or years back but never topped the plants... I am considering doing it this...
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    Trying to get some mothers going!! Need Help!!!

    Ok so I have 10 big bud plants going... Grew them from seed... They are all looking fine and dandy but I want to know if they are females... Can I put them on 12/12 sex them and then throw then back into veg? I know i am supposed to wait, cut clones, then sex the clones but I really want to...
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    First Time Growing From Seed

    So i have grown before but I always had clones and just threw them in and started budding... This is my first time growing from seed. I got some seeds from a friend. Out of 8 only 4 sprouted. Planted them and now i am about 23 days into it, got them in pots under 24 hours of flourecent lighting...