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  1. I

    What is a mature plant in Cali?

    In California, what constitutes a mature plant. I have gotten opinions from the day it starts to show an even minimal bud, to the day before it is ready to harvest. To have 12 immature and 6 mature plants, what you can grow differs greatly depending on what the definition is. Any legal eagles...
  2. I

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Quick question. If I am filtering/scrubbing the room with an INTERNAL activated carbon filter/scrubber, will it absorb CO2?
  3. I

    How do they look 2

    Thank you for the info Hodgegrown. Let me ask this. The beds look like 2x12's, two high. that's 4' x 8' x 2' (approximately). if they are filled to 18" that's still 48 cu. ft. of soil/amendments. What do you fill them with initially? Do you turn the soil beneath and add amendments to that also...
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    How do they look 2

    You mention taking out half of your beds and adding amendments. I have read this entire thread, extremely impressive to say the least. I am contemplating my first outside grow. I like your raised beds, know what brand of nutes you use but don't know how much of each. What amendments do you add...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    As mentioned by others, the search function in this forum is not user friendly. As such, let's talk doors. Using CO2 you have to have an airtight room. I know were not talking space shuttle doors here, but how do you mane a door air tight. Does it have to have only weather stripping with double...
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    Reflective Material

    I need to line a 4x4x6 shed with reflective material. I see many cabinets that have a reflective material that has a cardboard looking backing, and is in large sheets. Does anyone have a resource for this material??? TIA