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  1. silvrsurfer77

    Suspected Mites outdoors, HELP!

    I have a g13- blue og (fem) going outdoors and its a monster 6x6 bush with bud sites everywhere, Ive been very excited until recently. I noticed one section where two colas seemed to have stopped bud production, hairs all orange/shriveled. I would have guess the plant was polinated but Ive gone...
  2. silvrsurfer77

    My outdoor monster is having an issue please help!!

    Hear is one more good shot of the other "normal buds"
  3. silvrsurfer77

    My outdoor monster is having an issue please help!!

    So I've always been and indoor grower, did one outdoor grow and had issues with mold while in the south with all the humidity. This time around I have one g13-blue og thats practically a 6x6 bush....colas everywhere. I was really excited until the last week or so when I notices two colas with...
  4. silvrsurfer77

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Thanks Already ordered them, they shipped out, we will see how they are. Im using tents so im not sure how much i need lenses but cant hurt lol
  5. silvrsurfer77

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    I ordered these lenses, good price, I got 20 sets for $59. I wonder how good they are? no stats on light transmitance
  6. silvrsurfer77

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    @Growmau5 Did you just drill and tap holes in the side of the heat sink and screw the cover on ?
  7. silvrsurfer77

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Since the ground wire coming from the driver is connected to the AC - in ground, does it really matter if the heatsink and cover are grounded because of direct contact with eachother ? ......Its already grounded from the connection to the AC need to ground 2x ?
  8. silvrsurfer77

    REALSTYLES 6th DIY CXA 3590 5000k DB bin

    I really enjoyed that video lol....I used mars once and sold em, I thought they were good at the time tho.......boy was I mistaken. but to contribute to the thread heres my first build... Courtesy of SupraSPL @ 56.3% (4) CXB3590 3500K CD 36V @ 1.4A (49W ea) $190 (1) HLG-185H-C1400b $65 196...
  9. silvrsurfer77

    Colorado home cultivation rules?

    There is a ton of them complaining about people abusing the system and being greedy, not one mention by anyone how ridiculous it is to say you can only grow X amount of plants....all this licensing and BS....all about the gov getting more money and control over things. Theres no limit on basil...
  10. silvrsurfer77

    So it's not watts per sq ft with LED's?

    How do you calculate PAR W to umol/S (PPF) and how do you get from there to PPFD?
  11. silvrsurfer77

    CXB3590 1500W

    To use this option for 64% efficiency for a 4x4x6 tent or 16 sq ft coverage, would I want to use 2 or 3 of these?
  12. silvrsurfer77

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Looks awesome! Cant wait to see the results!
  13. silvrsurfer77

    Growmau5's BML Spydr clone: a diy led build

    I did read through everything and am gaining a decent understanding so far. I under stand the HLG185c1400b can power 4 cxb 3070 and that was what Growmau5 said would be good for a 2x2 or 3x3. I will most likely do something simply like that for my 3x3 but I want to get max production and...
  14. silvrsurfer77

    Growmau5's BML Spydr clone: a diy led build

    I plan on building this or something similar but I know just about nothing when is comes to designing one of these. I do have the technical abilities to build it with instruction lol. I can solder and Im extremely handy, but I dont know anything about Cobs, efficiency, ratings and specs...
  15. silvrsurfer77

    200w chinese cob lights, Can I upgrade these? Also need some build advice

    Thanks for the heads up, I will save myself the trouble with these chinese cobs, I think I will salvage the power cords switches and maybe the fans though. I can honestly say I don't completely understand those efficiency charts :/ Is there any hope for me lol If anyone who really knows this...
  16. silvrsurfer77

    200w chinese cob lights, Can I upgrade these? Also need some build advice

    Thanks for the input, Ill probably toss those when they die out. Since I wont be using those any suggestions for lighting those areas as best as possible?
  17. silvrsurfer77

    200w chinese cob lights, Can I upgrade these? Also need some build advice

    So Ive always used hps and the sun and had great results, but the heat and power issues of hps got me interested in LED. My cousin who I no longer talk to convinced me to try these 200w Cob grow lights from aliexpress. It didnt take long before i figured out the chip quality was crap, 2 of them...
  18. silvrsurfer77

    spotted leaves?

    99% chance the plant has tobacco mosaic u smoke cigs or did u handle any and touch the plants? or did any cig smokers touch your plants?
  19. silvrsurfer77

    just ordered purple diesel from HGS. does anyone know anything about this?

    I have used HGS, Seeds came in 2 weeks or less. Have Avalanche in Flowering, but no smoke report yet. I ran out of bud n tried smoking a few clipped leaves from the first week of flowering and I got a pretty good buzz for about 20 min lol. As far as ordering and shipping, they seem reliable to...