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  1. Green Giant84

    *PICS* Think these will be ready to chop in 6 days? (10 weeks flower)

    U should try keeping them in darkness for the last 24-48 hour. Some say it improves the resin production but I'm not sure on that but I do know it will make your buds swell up real nice. Can't wait 2 see final harvest and waight, post pics asap!!!!:hump:
  2. Green Giant84

    Florida Growers Thread

    Any PBC grower out there growing some Deisel. Got sum Red Deisel growing now and should be done in 1-2 weeks. All bout growing strains S. Flo doesn't get too much off like. 1) OG Kush 2) Dj Short True Blueberry 3) Purlp #1 4) G-13 Haze 5) Red Deisel
  3. Green Giant84

    Veins yellowing

    Iron deficiency. I'm pretty sure that is it, treat deficiency by lowering the soil ph to 6.5 or less. Avoid fertilizers that contain excessive amouts of manganese, zinc, and copper, witch inhibit iron uptake. High levels of phosphorus compete with the uptake of iron. Improve the drainage...
  4. Green Giant84

    Still having PH problems

    That's just how hydro works 1 min your at 5.8 and 10 min later your at 6.3 it Never stays at a stedy number. That's just how it is u have to always keep a eye on your ph. So wat I use to do was put my ph at mybe 5.4 and let it rise to 6.5 b4 I would ajust it back 2 5.4 and I bout a constant ph...
  5. Green Giant84

    Dark Purple Stem?But Good Growth..

    There fine don't get worried. Their just getting use to the enviroment and once they get settled in and the roots system grows it will turn green. Relax!!!!:hump:
  6. Green Giant84

    *PICS* Think these will be ready to chop in 6 days? (10 weeks flower)

    Niiiice but that looks like my grow lol. Just kidding but we have alot n comn we both have Next Genaration Ballest witch is sweet and blower controllers witch is a must have but 1 question Why do u have both in your grow area and how tall r your plants cuz they look a lil taller then the...
  7. Green Giant84

    flowerbed help

    I've never done 12/12 from the start but I do know the longer u veg the more budding sites u get witch means more yeild. Alot of seed banks give u a good idea of how much a strain will produce but it still depends on growing conditions, nutrients and strain. 12/12 from the start takes a long...
  8. Green Giant84

    flowerbed help

    I've red that u can put 10-12 plants on a 1000w and for yield it all depends on witch strain u grow and perfect growing conditions but if your going the autoflowering rout your not gonna get nomore then 1-1 1/2 Oz per plants. With that size bed and u going the auto rout u can put alot more...
  9. Green Giant84

    First Grow 4 OG Kush...Need Help!!!

    Yeah change up your soil cuz from wat I c u have NO good drainage cuz u have no Perlite mixed in with your soil but IMO Fox Farm is the best but if u cant get any. Miracle Grow Organic Potting Soil work good if your on a budget. But make sure u add some Perlite to it so u have good drainage...
  10. Green Giant84

    Hope everythings alright and hope u feel better. Hopefully getting back to your ladies made u...

    Hope everythings alright and hope u feel better. Hopefully getting back to your ladies made u feel alot better. We need some of that that here n Florida but I think attitude has something on there site called BlackWater that's a Some wat PK Strain but I'm not sure if it's the Real Deal. But...
  11. Green Giant84

    Miracle Grow Organic Choice & FoxFarm nutes: Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom

    Earth juice has some of the best Organic Ferts on the market and Miracle Grow Organic Potting Soil does Not have time released ferts in it (IT'S:idea: ORGANIC). I'm using it on my Red Diesel and I like that I can control every little bit of ferts that goes into my ladies and not worry about...
  12. Green Giant84

    Update on the PurPlE KusH!!

    Is Purple Kush just a west coast strain cuz I'm dying 2 get some. And r u planing to just use bat gauno.
  13. Green Giant84

    First Grow Killerskunk, White Widow x Big Bud

    nice setup man I will b following
  14. Green Giant84

    Anyone try Kushie Kush nutrients?

    Yeah they sure know how to make it seem like they r the shit when it come to nutes. Don't get me wrong now they do have good stuff but there prices r a bit to much and plus a nute for just 1 strain. Just another AN ploy 2 get your $$. Earth juice is the best for your bucks.
  15. Green Giant84

    3 plants in one 5 gallon pot willl this work?

    It can b done. If u don't care about your plants and u don't mind wasting your time. Go for it!!!! But I'm with Jim. DON'T DO IT!!!
  16. Green Giant84

    Yellowing fan leaves rust/black spots seems to be climbing pic inc.

    It looks like potassium deficiency with the rusty spots on the leaves. To treat it just use a complete N-P-K fertilizer and bring your PH closer to 6.5
  17. Green Giant84

    Hello Everyone!! My 1st grow: 150W HPS semi-stealth micro cabinet

    If u'll lookin 2 up grade any time soon I have a Bloombox 4 sale that works like new. Only 10 month old and looks and work like brand new paid something like $3500 only askin $2000 just 4 box and $2500 for both 400 hps/Mh lights and Connoisseur A and B Nutrients.
  18. Green Giant84

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    If u no any 1 that's lookin 4 a great grow box I have a Bloombox 4 sale. Only 10 months old and works perfect and still looks brand new only askin $2500. Comes with tubs and Connoisseur A and B Nutrients!!!!!!!!
  19. Green Giant84

    Bloombox by Northern Lights

    I have the bloombox and i must say its worth the money...... made my money back on first harvest SWEEEEEEETT!!!!!!!!!!! BUT LIKE SUBLIME SAID MAKE SURE U HAVE SOME NOHOW ABOUT HYDRO CUZ THE FIRST COUPLE DAYS WILL HAVE U HEATED BEHIND ALL...
  20. Green Giant84

    long stem growth

    well first i have them under a 150 watt fish tank light and i got bout 10 plants per pot.. so where do i start ( BE GENTLE ) AND DONT LAUGHT