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  1. 420bud

    anyone have spare seeds?!? are my fav seedbank. they are fast and cheap. i got mine in 6 days.. only thing i would complain about is they're not that discreet. but it wasnt a problem for me.
  2. 420bud

    ISOHASH time

    sweet its working. id say about 10mins left and its good to smoke. thanks alot dude :weed:
  3. 420bud

    ISOHASH time

    alright so i found some balls on my plant today, instead of throwing it away i chopped the bitch down and mixed it in with some 91% iso-alcohol. i strained it and let it sit for 5 hours now and STILL hasnt dried. so is there a way to make it dry faster?? im getting impatient here
  4. 420bud

    should i cut his balls off?

    folks...i got bad news. im on my 3rd week with my lowryder 2 and i just discovered that he has a dick bigger than mine.. ive read that some people just cut the balls off so it has a chance to change to a female. will that work?? is it better to do it now while its young? and if so how. plz...
  5. 420bud


    get a autoflowering plant..they take like 9 weeks to bud. i hear ak 47 is the best of the autos. check em out
  6. 420bud

    Who likes kids cartoons...

    tom and fuckin jerry. dont care if its for kids i love it so fuck you
  7. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    .5g/w..are you sure a lowryder can get me 50g (100w)? that would be great
  8. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    dude ur right, i notice the leaves on the bottom are growing hella fast. it surprised this morning.
  9. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    i read somewhere here that avg. is like an eighth for each plant...are they wrong? im growing 1 LR2 under a 100W CFL with a fan, all inside a grow box about 4ftx4x4. im using miracle grow soil. its in a cup for now but i will transplant it around week 5. so what do you think, can that give...
  10. 420bud

    online pharmacies?

    you mean this guy
  11. 420bud

    Please help my plant!!!

    haha, they just wouldnt give up huh. cool i feel alot better now, i think the reason why it turned out that way is cuz i didnt germinate them the typical way (paper towel) i just put the seed directly into the soil. ill make sure i dont do that next time.
  12. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    ya id rather wait til its strong enough to handle such a change. i will be very happy if i can atleast get 5 grams off this plant. :peace::joint::peace:
  13. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    im afraid to transplant this early i may wait awhile. seems like most of you agree that i should just leave it alone. ill see how it goes then. thanks for the answers.
  14. 420bud

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    kind of off topic but how much is an eighth at a marijuana dispensary. same as street prices?
  15. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    hold on let me resize those pics..
  16. 420bud

    Be honest -(-((-(((-((((pics))))-)))-))-)-

    Ive been growing a lowryder #2 for about a week and a half now. Its looking great and is growing fast. The only problem is the stem. its really bent.. ive been told to bury it so that it can be straight, but that would only leave like a CM of stem. it would be way to close to the soil too. so...
  17. 420bud

    Please help my plant!!!

    it seems most of you guys are saying to bury so its straight up. i just hope i dont shock it or anything, is it fine to touch the stem with my fingers?
  18. 420bud

    The Stoner/Doom Metal Thread

    Earthless is amazing! its like Tool meets Jimi Hendrix.
  19. 420bud

    Please help my plant!!!

    :shock:...didnt think the pics would be that big
  20. 420bud

    Please help my plant!!!

    Alright so ive been growing a lowryder #2 for about a week now. it looks great but the stem is all fucked up. i wish i can take pics but for now ill draw it in Paint. Heres how it looked like before This is after i dug up the rest of the stem that should have been above the surface...