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  1. afsmaekker

    Afsmaekkers first ever grow. 180W Cfl, white rhino & Arjans Haze #3.

    Hi everybody I have been surfing this site for a few weeks now, and a week ago on march 15th i finally started germinating my first two seeds. My setup is as follows: 1 x 125w Cfl veg light ( ) 1 x 180w cfl gro...
  2. afsmaekker

    could u grow pot in beach sand?

    U could try:bigjoint:
  3. afsmaekker

    Noob PH question

    It does change... If u have 1ltr of water with PH 6.5 and 1ltr PH 5.5 mixed together the PH would be 6.0