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  1. Phelps

    Can anyone tell me whats wrong?

    Its a leaf blight fungus
  2. Phelps

    Nutrient Burn

    Flush with plain water, 3 gallons of water per each gallon of medium. Then flush with a half gallon of weak nutes and ph'd water so the plants dont go from burn to deficient.
  3. Phelps


    U can also wait for a inch long tap root and then plant it with the tip of the plant sticking out just above ground, when I do seeds I let them go even longer then that sometimes if they are being stubborn..
  4. Phelps


    Edit Matbe its too hot inside the plastic bag chamber u use. or its too dry. Get rid of the bag over the top (ints not necessary, and we can rule that out as a problem) and soak that soil. Seeds can handle, and need a healthy amount of water to get going. Over watering a seed one time to get...
  5. Phelps

    4 weeks old, do these look ok? (Droopy leaves)

    Hey killer, calcium def happens at the top of the plant so I dont think thats the problem that u had. Im starting to think root rot or some other disease is causing those spots, and possibly even the drooping if enough root damage is present. Can we get a pic of the roots? And maybe a picture of...
  6. Phelps

    leaves curling at edges

    I have been using GH Flora Micro and Bloom for a long time. I would stop using that magcal until late flowering. Its likely that u thought u needed it because ur ph is a lil high. Lower ph to 5.2, let it climb to 5.8 and repeat, if u still see a mg deficiency the plants are ready for more micro...
  7. Phelps

    Colyteons yellowing at 11 days? Pic

    U may be over watering, it could be disease, it may be normal. If it transfers to the other growth I would start to be concerned.
  8. Phelps

    there is mold in soil is this bad???

    scrape it off the top and continue to grow, if it comes back scrape it off again, its not a big deal, it wont hurt the plant but it is a landing zone for other fungi and bacteria that will if u dont scrape it off.
  9. Phelps

    keep them growing at the same time(help)

    I would advise u to take clones until the other ones catch up. Even if u dont want to grow them, give em to friends, or donate them to a med club. If u are skeptical about that idea then just cut off a bunch of material off the dreams and toss it. Then top them a few times to keep the growth...
  10. Phelps

    17 day old plants need help, yellow bottom leaves.

    After another look, I can guarantee u have blight, probably anthracnose, but to prove that we would need a small lab. P.S. I agree with what everyone else says also. U need to get the ph and everything in check or u will never beat this shit, if u follow what we say here u will be fine. Be...
  11. Phelps

    17 day old plants need help, yellow bottom leaves.

    Alright, no one is going to like my answer because somehow no one that grows cannabis realizes that there are hundreds of fungi, bacteria, and viruses that attack the plant, but to me it looks like Leaf Blight. Its a leaf attacking fungus and it is very very common among all types of farmers...
  12. Phelps

    Please Check this out.... Its new to me

    EDIT, whoops problem solved. I need to read the who.e thread....
  13. Phelps

    Brown spots on leaves

    Ha, me too. First time I got this shit it was terrible. I had a bug problem so I was foilar spraying, and I went in the room the next day to the sickest plants I have ever seen. Then I watched it slowly go from my moms to the clones, to the x amount of plants that were flowering. I tossed all...
  14. Phelps

    My Great white shark got problems, help me please

    Hey bud, if I was right and u have a type of fungi, I found a way to clone with it and its simple as hell, in fact a lot of people do this anyways... Just feed a light bloom solution of 2-300ppm and it will keep the clones with enough energy to resist a complete take over. I never fed clones, or...
  15. Phelps

    Nute burn?

    U may have and mg deficiency, but its hard to see the detail with those pics.
  16. Phelps

    Need expert advice!!!!!!

    If u are severely nute burning your plants, that may be the best way to go, but flushing and lowering the nutes on a deficient plant will only cause more damage. I do agree on lowering the nutes, but never to 10% strength at this point in a grow. I think it is better to make an educated guess at...
  17. Phelps

    Does this look like pH problem? (PICS)

    The sick plant has a leaf attacking fungi (100% sure about that). The plant was probably stressed at some point and the fungus took hold then. It will still grow and the fungi probably wont hurt yield that much, but I would recomend u toss it or quarantine it before it spreads to the others (if...
  18. Phelps

    Hrmm.. Its sad! Help me out. Pics. Whats the problem?

    Well I didnt see any pics, but it sounds like u have a high PH.
  19. Phelps

    My Great white shark got problems, help me please

    Dont change a thing, unless u foilar feed, stop that immediately!! What u have is a leaf atttacking fungus. Keep humidity and temps on the low side and just grow that little whore out. I wouldnt recomend cloning it, but if u have to u can. Im sure since u say u dont know PH people are going to...
  20. Phelps

    multiple problems day 17 flowering

    Oh yeah, if u bump ur temps up a little they will stop drooping.