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  1. potgrower123

    germinating seeds help

    so I started germinating a bagseed the other day and the seed has cracked and i can see what looks like the beginning of the white taproot in the seed but it wont come out! it has been in the damp paper towel for a couple of days since it cracked and the root still isnt coming out. is this...
  2. potgrower123

    pond water?

    why would they be eaten alive? you mean like due to lots of pests living in and around the pond?
  3. potgrower123

    pond water?

    Well there is somewhat regular rainfall that reaches the pond and there is a culvert that begins to drain the water out of the pond to a lower spot when the pond water level gets too high, I don't know if this would help the stagnancy of the water or not but it's something to keep in mind. But...
  4. potgrower123

    pond water?

    Hey everyone, I'm planning an outdoor grow for this spring and was wondering if it's okay for my plants if I water them with pond water. There is a pond nearby to my grow site and i thought it would convenient to use this water source in that I wouldn't have to be hauling water down to the site...
  5. potgrower123

    help with nutes

    thank you jesus of cannabis, im just confused because i keep reading different things. I read somewhere else that P needs to be higher during flowering so thats why i thought the 15-30-15 would be better but ill have to do some more researching on the matter!
  6. potgrower123

    help with nutes

    I am planning my first grow for this spring and it is going to be an outdoor grow. I don't really have the patience to keep track of a million different fertilizers so I was thinking that i would just use a basic 20-20-20 on the plants during the vegetative stage and switch to a 15-30-15 during...