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  1. spazstic

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    BTW, get those sativas into their own pot! The roots will begin to attack each other and the plants will choke each other out. IF you are lucky you will get one live but sick plant out of it. The roots are probably already intertwined but it will only get worse.
  2. spazstic

    .....cant find "root" of problem :)

    Droop looks like overwatering. The colors look like nute/heat burn. Roots look really good though and that is usually the best indication of plant health. Look around very closely for any pests, that may be a problem as well. Good luck :D
  3. spazstic

    quick q!

    No buds are forming because you are using CFLs. You can get by with CFLs during your veg cycle, but you need a larger light for flowering. Taking the plants outside 12 hours a day would be better if you can do so without getting caught, and you can't afford a HPS. Just put them in a completely...
  4. spazstic

    Strange problem...<pics>

    Thought I should update the thread in case anyone stumbles upon it with the same problem... They perked up after a week or so. Just needed to get acclimated. Transplant shock.... Doing well now.
  5. spazstic

    Plants falling over... Buds too big? -pics-

    I'm using KoolBloom which has a MASSIVE amount of Phosphorus and Potassium so that can't be it. I am also using Floralicious Bloom and Liquid Karma which should be providing plenty of phosphorus. I hadn't seen that though, good find and thanks. +rep. BTW, thanks hamburgler. It's an ebb and flow...
  6. spazstic

    Back to 24 hour light

    Poor confused plants.....
  7. spazstic

    Plants falling over... Buds too big? -pics-

    LOL I really hope you were joking... I am running a little high on the PPM, at 2200, but I checked on my mothers which are running at around 1000 and all are strong except for the Blackberry which seems to have the same brittle stem problem. I suspect it is just the strain. I will be getting...
  8. spazstic

    Plants falling over... Buds too big? -pics-

    They are tied up for now but I don't think they should be falling over like they are. Any advice I'd really appreciate. Thanks!
  9. spazstic

    why arent the buds forming?

    maybe light leaks?
  10. spazstic

    Plants falling over... Buds too big? -pics-

    Hey Rollittup, I could use some help here. I have two trays of Super Skunk, Purple Kush and Blackberry Kush going and although the Purple Kush and Super Skunk are doing great, the Blackberry Kush is having trouble staying up. The sides are drooping and I have been coming home to the plants...
  11. spazstic

    How do I kill spider mites?

    LADYBUGS!!!!! Let out a whole grip and let them go to town. Works for me and its the lazy way to do it. :)
  12. spazstic

    600w vs 1000w hps sunmaster

    Lumens per watt, a 600W is slightly more efficient than a 1000W bulb. The 600W also can cover more area (if you are using more than one light). If electricity is not a concern, use 1000W. It will give you larger buds since you are providing more lumens per sq meter. However, if electricity is a...
  13. spazstic

    Favorite "Gettin High" song?

    Cypress Hill: Roll it up, light it up, smoke it up!!!!!
  14. spazstic

    600w vs 1000w hps sunmaster

    lol, for sure. You really won't save much money. The price difference between 600W and 1000W really isn't much. I plan on going to SOG soon, but the 1000 watters have served me well. I have enjoyed the cola sizes I can get off of them. :weed:
  15. spazstic

    600w vs 1000w hps sunmaster

    For that size tent, I would use a 1000w. Anymore than that will be a waste and you'll have some real troubles with heat. 1000W is better for larger plants, you get MASSIVE buds, 600w is generally better for SOG. But, it all boils down to personal preference. I personally like 1000w because of...
  16. spazstic

    Polar Bears dying From Climate Change

    There is so much wrong with this I don't know where to begin... lol We need to attack the root of the problem, not cover it up. The issue is that we are using processes to create materials that are harmful to the planet. There are other processes that create "green" materials that are...
  17. spazstic

    I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances

    Yeah, I never understood how people could want to drop acid or schroom all day every day, but I've met people who do. By the end of my trip I'm ready to be normal again. So I wouldn't want to smoke D everyday, but I'm sure there are some that would get carried away. :shock:
  18. spazstic

    I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances

    Good article, what I always have found funny is how we draw the line as to what substances are ok to use and not ok, and how that line is constantly changing. It is also interesting how different cultures have different takes on drug use. Look at the Native Americans and peyote, the Chinese and...
  19. spazstic

    more watts bigger buds

    I think a 600 would be fine. I wouldn't go more than that though. Just make sure your temps stay down.
  20. spazstic

    I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances

    Thanks guys, just trying to help others avoid the pain and heartache, cause once you start the only person who can make you quit is yourself.