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  1. T

    8x10 floor and lighting plan

    2 ton already installed and a 70pt dehumidifier. Fucker is the newer model of the Soleus Air Dehumidifier made Gree. The old model was recalled along with 2.2 million others. I called the recall hotline and they said this one is not on the recall list. I think its just because its brand new and...
  2. T

    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    Theyve grown quite a bit in the last few days! I topped them again and turned up the wattage on the lights. My reflector was pretty dirty and was probably blocking some light. The leaves are still pretty light green. I hope the extra light puts some color into them.
  3. T

    8x10 floor and lighting plan

    Thanks for the reply. 4x600 was my first choice, but it seems like its gonna be tough to work in the room and Im not sure Ill get very good coverage. I have an AC and dehuey already and plan to pick up the co2 gear in a few days. Not sure that 3x6 will allow much walking room. The 3x3 trays Ive...
  4. T

    4x4 tent Reflector Advice

    You should ask Ms. Ganja about that... :hump:
  5. T

    4x4 tent Reflector Advice

    Im not black and Ive been wearing magnums since I was 12:hump:
  6. T

    4x4 tent Reflector Advice

    I thought 600W was a 3x3? Does that spread it a little too thin with the 4x4?
  7. T

    8x10 floor and lighting plan

    I just built an 8x10 room. The door is in the middle of the 10' wall so I can walk down the middle of the room. I have 2 Blockbuster hoods and 600 and 1000W switchable ballasts. I dont know if I want to run 4 600's or 2 1000's. If I run the 600's I think Ill need to run 3x6' trays along the side...
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    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    I was going by Uncle Bens guide to topping. He says to top after the 6-8th nodes have formed. I couldnt let them get any taller. They were about 1ft tall and skinny as a Somalian crack whore The plants were stunted way before I topped them. I think topping actually helped because the tops were...
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    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    I upped the nutes on one and flushed another. Not sure what else I can try... How can the herb heal all the nation if it only grows stem? Maybe this is a hemp strain?
  10. T

    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    Here they are today, not much improvement. Kept the lights backed off a bit last night. The seedlings are stretching to the moon. Anyone have any ideas why the shoots wont grow after the new nodes are formed?
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    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    The roots werent growing much at first, but theres no rot. They just werent getting enough light or nutes. I can turn up the wattage(its a dimmable ballast) but it will get hotter and I can just bring it closer to the plants w/o turning it up, but that seems to hurt, not help
  12. T

    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    300W MH It was really far away when the plants were all yellow. They would just go limp before. Its much closer now. I cant get it much closer than 1.5ft without seeing shriveling the next day. Its pretty warm here at night lately
  13. T

    Growing fast, but not really growing...

    These plants were totally stalled out for a few weeks from seed. I wasnt giving them enough nutes and the tops were bright green almost yellow and rolled at the leaf edges. I got the nutes up to about 2.0ec and they started to get going. They were growing new nodes just fine, but once the new...