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  1. Hutch

    MMMMMMMMM spider mites

    what exactly are spider mites? what do they look like????
  2. Hutch


    i got a question about trimming. I am about to drop my plants to 12/12, they are about a foot tall and they have HUGE fan leaves everywhere blocking about every bit of light to all the branches! I have read that if you cut the fan leaves it will slow down dramatically. I want to find the females...
  3. Hutch


    well i just blew a big blast into my screen's face.... can you smell it? lol
  4. Hutch

    Hunting and Fishing

    haha hey man its not my fault man thats what they told me it was when i was just a pup! lol i take it yunz say creek instead! my fiance is canadian so she wrecks on aboot everything i say lol!
  5. Hutch

    Hunting and Fishing

    i have never fished with a flyrod! my buddy had one and we would fuck around and whip some jigs back and forth in the yard, hahaha but thats it! I use a ultra light open face cuz it makes it that much more fun tryin to muscle those big ass fish in!
  6. Hutch

    Hunting and Fishing

    thanx man, we have caught some HUGE fish out of that crick! especially the carp and sheephead. we take off and walk it for half the day and park another car where we get out and drive back. . now thats a good time, with a few spun up for the trip of course!
  7. Hutch

    Hunting and Fishing

    here are a couple we caught out of the crick behind my house! the crick runs into the ohio river so alot of big fish make thier way up.. to me haha
  8. Hutch

    Hunting and Fishing

    dear meat is the best!!!! especially if you killed it! haha is anyone goin out for gun season? ours starts in a couple weeks.
  9. Hutch

    Hunting and Fishing

    Fuckin eh!!! who dosent like to get baked and do a lil fishin! I caught a 28in. channel cat out of the crick! even tho itsa creek dont be fooled cuz there are some big ass holes we hit!
  10. Hutch

    Budding with fluoro's?

    ok sooo if i had clipped a couple, did i fuck it up? cuz there is still alot of new growth everywhere. but the rest of the plants i will NOT, thanx for the advise, cuz i thought i was doin her a favor!
  11. Hutch

    Yellowing leaves...i know i know.

    i will try to flush her out ( hopefully a her) and also hope that my problem wasnt overwatering in the first place! haha oh ya and no more seeds layin aroun!!! fucked on that one or they would be germin!
  12. Hutch

    Budding with fluoro's?

    haha sorry man i already started reading the other one (gardens cure). wich is VERY helpful by the way. and your right it is fuckin loooooonnnnngg! haha and thanx again , so would trimming the huge leaves sucking up the good stuff (NOT topping grow tips) be no benefit to the braches forming at...
  13. Hutch

    should i clone??

    thanx ya'll !!! just wanna do it up right! haha
  14. Hutch

    Budding with fluoro's?

    what exactly is lst? i'm pretty sure supercropping is where you squeez the shit out of the stem to make it stronger right? the massive leaves my plant are producing are actually touching the ground even the ones at the second node, is that normal? they are healthy and heavy, just seems to me...
  15. Hutch

    should i clone??

    I have 8 plants that i started from seeds and i am out of seeds! they are about 4 weeks and i want to clone cuz they are killer blueberry, so should i put them to 12/12 early to find the females then back to veg or wait till they are ready to bud to find a mother?
  16. Hutch

    Budding with fluoro's?

    well i have mine on 24/7 and i heard whatever light cycle you start them at you should keep to prevent stress, also does 6 hours of dark make them grow faster? can i still put them to 18/6? they are about 4 weeks old.
  17. Hutch

    Yellowing leaves...i know i know.

    This is exactly what one of mine looks like, only not this bad yet! I used miracle grow potting soil wich i heard causes ph problems itself.
  18. Hutch

    Yellowing leaves...i know i know.

    i use water straight from my tap and have read to leave it sit open for a day or two to release chemicals, thats what i use mixing a weak solution of miracle grow all-purpose cuz they are young, maybe my water has a ph issue! this is my first grow inside so im bout clueless. thanx for the help
  19. Hutch

    Yellowing leaves...i know i know.

    cool thanks but i dont have a ph tester, maybe i should invest. and they are blueberry. well if the ph is in question and not a nitrogen deficincy like i had origonally thought i may be fucked! you say no nutes, but i loaded up cuz i thought it was the nitrogen.
  20. Hutch

    Budding with fluoro's?

    I have another Q. with flouro's is it better to leave them on 24/7 or 16/8? I am not really concerned about mass quantity but just to keep a steady harvest. I plan on cloning my best female and keeping 8 plants going at all timeswith my setup i would like to keep time as short as possible...