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  1. Greg1919a4

    ????? Curing and storing ?????

    i have read many time that curing should be done in a air tight jar filled half the way up and stored in dark place. that you need to open the jars every day to let fresh air in and the buds need to be moved around to keep out the mold 1. my question is how long do you need to cure your...
  2. Greg1919a4

    ???????? Drying Help please ??????????

    i think i have way to much for a jars what alse can i use
  3. Greg1919a4

    ???????? Drying Help please ??????????

    I harvested about a week ago and i not sure if my buds are daying right? i cut all my buds dont to 6" to 12" and hung them on a string line. i have read that they are ready to cure when you can take the stem and snap it. mine are still binding not snapping yet but the buds them self seam really...
  4. Greg1919a4

    ? Stainless vs Brass Screens ?

    that is true brass does get pretty dirty
  5. Greg1919a4

    ? Stainless vs Brass Screens ?

    they are for a vaporizer
  6. Greg1919a4

    ? Stainless vs Brass Screens ?

    Witch one is better for a vaporizer and why
  7. Greg1919a4

    Revegetate Help PLease!!!!!

    i used a flush for there last week should i hit them with some nute right a way or let them mellow out a little they where pretty damp when i harvested
  8. Greg1919a4

    Revegetate Help PLease!!!!!

    i left most of the lower branches that where pretty small. the ones that had 2" or smaller buds on them. what will happen to the bud that i left on there do when it starts to reveg?
  9. Greg1919a4

    Revegetate Help PLease!!!!!

    Does anyone know if it possible to reveg your plants after harvest. I just harvested my crop and i trimmed them down to about 12" to 18" they have all the lower branches on them. then turned them back on 18hr of light. what should i do next?
  10. Greg1919a4

    Spider Mites & Ladybugs? Help Please

    ok the only thing that worked so far was neem oil its a big pain in the ass
  11. Greg1919a4


    im 7 weeks in to flowering some of my plants are starting to foxtail. i dont know what causes it. will my bud recover from this or should i just harvest them at 8 weeks
  12. Greg1919a4

    My lady's are growing weard

    i guess they could be to close to the lights if i raise the lights up a foot will it get better? i was going to harvest in a week should i give it a nother couple of weeks
  13. Greg1919a4

    My lady's are growing weard

    it wont what?
  14. Greg1919a4

    My lady's are growing weard

    i dont know whats going on i have been flowering of 7 weeks. with in the last 24hrs some of my buds went from nice cone shape to bushy. it looks like the main branch in the bud started growing new branches. some of the bud now have 2" long twigs stick out of them.
  15. Greg1919a4

    Nor-cal outdoor grow

    anyone know
  16. Greg1919a4

    Nor-cal outdoor grow

    I live near sac in northern California. This is my first outdoor grow. Is it time to start some clones indoors or should I have already put clones in the garden now?
  17. Greg1919a4

    Plant spacing indoor & outdoor ????

    it looks like i will get around 3oz per plant
  18. Greg1919a4

    Plant spacing indoor & outdoor ????

    if i have hps on the top should i put cfl on the side and will the ones you buy at home depot work. T-12
  19. Greg1919a4

    Plant spacing indoor & outdoor ????

    I have a 5 x 5 room with 1250w hps with 9 plants they are geting some really big buds im not sure if i should try 12 plants next time. they are in 2 gal pots and they are geting about 3' tall.
  20. Greg1919a4

    Plant spacing indoor & outdoor ????

    What’s the deal I see a lot of people on here with little bitty grow boxes with 20 plants crammed in it. What’s the deal? I’m a new grower don’t you need to have at least 2' x 2' wide and about 6' tall for one plant for an indoor garden. And what’s a good spacing for an outdoor garden?