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  1. M

    How much weed you smoke on average per week?

    usually around an ounce of mids and a quad of good dank every week. been more lately though its starting to hurt the wallet lol
  2. M

    yellow leaves/sad leaves

    My mature fan leaves on my plant have been turning yellow from the bottom up and 2 have already died off. The other newer smaller fan leaves just look sad and droopy, why is this? How's the plant look other than that? Sorry the pics aren't really that great for a diagnosis, but its the only...
  3. M

    I want to start a fall garden

    nobody can help?
  4. M

    Pot Lab???

    some dude on DEA on spike tv called a grow house a pot lab the other day. i was crackin up
  5. M

    Meteor shower is coming!! Could be a real showstopper!

    I'm gonna be watching this from the middle of a dark golf course with a bong. about to be an awesome night~!!!
  6. M

    I want to start a fall garden

    I want to start a fall garden, I know its getting close to when the seeds need to be in the ground, but I've never done this before. What could I plant now that I could harvest late fall? Any kind of vegetables, fruits, flowers(wouldn't be harvesting flowers), or anything? Please keep in mind...
  7. M

    What's you favorite strain and why

    real sour diesel, the genetics you can only get from clones best high I've had in my entire life
  8. M

    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    I just read all these pages and DAMN! nice job dude on the whole garden not just the monsters you have
  9. M

    Ganja influenced art =3

    Love your style as well, you should print posters of them and hook it up lol +rep
  10. M

    Perception Series :D

    I really dig your art dude, you should take it somewhere
  11. M

    Acid Inspired Crayon Drawings

    that would look crazy trippin
  12. M

    bong water/mineral water?

    I bet you don't notice any difference. My friend put gatorade in his bong and said it hydrated him lol, but he was high
  13. M

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    ^^I'm going with that, but add aliens in there somewhere. The real question is who was the first person to cure bud, and how did they figure that out?
  14. M

    Dealer stiffed me but luckily I got stoned.

    If you got stiffed go get the rest of what you payed for man. The more you let him rip you off the more he's gonna do it, dealers are shisty like that
  15. M

    Any night smokers out there.....?

    I always blaze down HEAVILY at night. I'll smoke when I wake up, and maybe 2 or 3 bowls throughout the day, but at night is the best. Usually its 5-6 bowls if not more. I can't fall asleep unless I'm baked
  16. M

    don't yall love when your friends leave chronic on your tray on accident?

    lol, I always leave bud at my friends house I wish people would start leaving it here
  17. M

    Drug Test!

    I passed a drug test at the mill and I smoked the day before. All I did was drink a lot of water. My piss was clear and the nurse asked why it was clear and I told her I run 8 miles a day and I drink a lot of water. Unless your a big guy, thc doesn't seem to be that hard to get out of my system.
  18. M

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    I've never used a filter and none of my friends have ever used one either, guess its just personal preference I just don't see a need. Roll em tight and you won't get resin lips.
  19. M

    10X12 grow room

    Is there like a guide that shows like, the size of an area, ammount of watts, then how many plants you can have?
  20. M

    10X12 grow room

    So a friend of mine just came across a 10 foot by 12 foot room, with the ceilings around 7 feet. It is all going to be devoted to growing, but what would be the best way to take advantage of this? I figured 1000w HPS, but how many of them? They also do not want to harvest year round, so it...