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  1. sugartwist

    Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest

    tip top toker: I am a new grower, this is my first grow. I can see that there is alot building up around the buds but obviously can`t see the colour without the magnafine glass. So I shouldnt worry so much (question mark) haha sorry my question mark button all the sudden isn`t working!
  2. sugartwist

    Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest

    Sounds good guess that`s all I can do. Hopefully it gets here soon!
  3. sugartwist

    Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest

    Ok well on some parts of a plan they are prob about 50-60% red hairs but on the rest of the plant they are only like maybe 20-30% red. Does that make sence what I said.
  4. sugartwist

    Please help with plantshat's wrong with them?

    Thanks everyone that was a big help! I am deffinatly going to grow again and they will be better next time!
  5. sugartwist

    Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest

    Hey ok so I am waiting on my magnifine glass to come in the mail and I'm freaking out cause I think my plants might be ready to harvest now and I'm worried I am going to miss the best harvest time... is there anyway I can tell if they are ready besides checking with a magnafine glass?? My camera...
  6. sugartwist

    Please help with plantshat's wrong with them?

    Well they do have 120 watts on each as there is 4 60 watt lights
  7. sugartwist

    Please help with plantshat's wrong with them?

    Please help me figure out what's wrong with my plants? I am assuming they shouldn't look like this, this is my first grow. Light 12 on 12 off, 60 watt florescent lights, 4 lights in grow room with 2 plants. Temperature is bout 70, to cold? Humidity is about 55 Nutes are Schultz...
  8. sugartwist

    Help pls with flowering stage leves curling due to humidity loss?

    Yes was from seed, this is my first grow ever so I'm learning.
  9. sugartwist

    Help pls with flowering stage leves curling due to humidity loss?

    My plants have been flowering for about 3 weeks or so and some of the top leaves look like they are wilting (curling up) what could be the problem? Please tell me what you think. The 2 picture are of 2 different plants, one a bit worse then the other. Light 12 on 12 off, 60 watt florescent...
  10. sugartwist

    Male or Female plants? help pls?

    Ok so pic 1 and pic 4 are the same plant and that one has white wisps between nodes so I think it's female. Pic 2 and 3 are the same plant and I think it is male because it looks like it has balls but it has white wisps in the top so I was unsure? and pic 5 and 6 are the same plant and that one...
  11. sugartwist

    Male or Female plants? help pls?

    Ok so I have 3 plants that I think sex can be determined now they are about 2 weeks into flowering. I have a really shitty camera so I can't get pics any better then this sorry I did my best. If you think you know the sex please let me know thanks.
  12. sugartwist

    Help with plants.. newbie grower.

    I don't know the ph of the water or the soil. Yes it is water on the plants but I sprayed them just before I was turning lights off. I don't think they are over watered as I am very careful with watering and wait for them to be pretty well dried out before watering again.
  13. sugartwist

    Help with plants.. newbie grower.

    This is my first grow so I am just looking for some comments about how my plants look? I have 3 plants they are 6 weeks old just started flowering them. Humidity is 60 room temp is about 70. They are in Schultz Potting soul, mixed perlite into the soil and nuts are schultz 10-15-10. I don't...
  14. sugartwist

    Indoor Grow Question

    Hey ok so I just changed my light cycle to 12/12. As far as I understand in about 10 days I should be able to determine weather they are male or female, is that correct? Also wondering how long does it take from now switched to 12/12 to when I will be able to harvest? I am sure it varies but if...
  15. sugartwist

    Newbi, Flowering help pls

    Yes it is tin foil, I had seen alot of people do that with it so I thought it was good. I am aware my soil is shit, first time growing and I didn't know what to use to I got dirt from outside mixed it with my tomato plant dirt (next time I buy dirt). They were looking alot worse before but now...
  16. sugartwist

    Newbi, Flowering help pls

    I am a first time grower and I need some help wondering when I can start flowering? My plants are 5 weeks old, I do not have a huge areas for growing so I am not looking for them to be huge but large enough. My plants have those little green pre-flowers started on them a couple days ago on the...
  17. sugartwist

    Leaves Curling under help pls!

    Will do thanks for your help!
  18. sugartwist

    Leaves Curling under help pls!

    I'm definatly going to have to re-read this later when I'm not high but thanks for the help sounds like I shouldn't have used outdoor soil. Hopefully they will still grow if not I'll try again. btw noticed you calling me bro and dude, I'm female :grin:
  19. sugartwist

    Leaves Curling under help pls!

    Ya I used dirt from outside mixed with soil from my tomato plants. I had heard it was ok to use dirt from outside as long as you sterilize it first and I did. BUT anyways if thats the problem is there anything I can do to fix them or will they die? It seems like all the new leaves growing are...
  20. sugartwist

    Leaves Curling under help pls!

    Hey, this is my first time growing so I am new to all this growing stuff. I am growing from seeds they are 2.5 weeks old and the leaves have been curling under and twisting for awhile now, I have 3 plants. A couple of the leaves on one plant are actually dried out and wilted and have some brown...