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  1. T

    Yeild guess!!!!! When 2 harvest?

    3-4 weeks i think, but you should get a scope to look at the trichs
  2. T

    (PICS)1 n 2 halves plants harvested, 4 n 2 halves to go! (PICS)

    those look nice as hell, any info on what kind of lights/nutes/space you used?
  3. T

    Got my spores!

    so an order to ca won't be rejected?:)
  4. T

    When do you start counting?

    switch the lights
  5. T

    just choped up ?

    jars are for curing- not drying! you want air circulation during drying
  6. T

    60 watt lights

    maybe something like this?:
  7. T

    Northern lights,white widow.How much longer?!

    those look VERY sativa to me as well.. 4 weeks?
  8. T

    Picked up on some thizzz

    finally someone else that calls it thizz :) you from the bay?
  9. T

    Seeds with no pollen?

    I've heard some strains hermie automatically after a certain period of time- therefore self pollinating
  10. T

    What's up with the GrowFaq

    hope someone gets on that is it getting updated or something?
  11. T

    10 weeks - Harvest ............(Pics)

    looks amazing whats the wet weight on all of that?
  12. T

    Rose Bush Coverup

    It's hard to tell by the pictures. How tall are the bushes?
  13. T

    California Clones anyone?

    Northern California: Club quality clones available all the time - ^assuming you have a medical card
  14. T

    Grafting two cannabis strains

    FDD to the rescue! Finally someone legitimately tries it. Were the Jack's surprise already flowering as well? Keep us updated on how it goes.
  15. T

    New Op Trying to spend lil as possible

    Buy a carbon filter and a dehumidifier
  16. T

    How's my list look?

    Anyone have any suggestions? Please help me before I buy the wrong thing! Thanks
  17. T

    How's my list look?

    I have read through quite a bit of information on this site in the past month, and this is my list for a cabinet grow I will be doing in my garage. It will be 4-6 plants in 21"X34"X7' cabinet done with hempy buckets. How's it look any suggestions/experiences?
  18. T

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    High Times > A Florida Biochemist Designs a Citrus Tree with THC