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  1. ChuckyHigh PR

    Whats wrong with her??

    Bump bump!!
  2. ChuckyHigh PR

    Whats wrong with her??

    help plz =(
  3. ChuckyHigh PR

    Whats wrong with her??

    She was doing just fine a while back but the leaves started turning yellow and are kinda droopy I really dont know whats wrong cuz this never happened to me before
  4. ChuckyHigh PR

    droopy leaves, please help!

    looks fine to me nothing to worry about
  5. ChuckyHigh PR

    tiny white bugs??

    spray it with soap water
  6. ChuckyHigh PR

    Playing Music to your plants

    From what iv heard it vibrates the fibers in the plants and gets them loose so the plant grows faster or something like that cant remember well lol
  7. ChuckyHigh PR

    Cloning question

  8. ChuckyHigh PR

    Flowering Problem

    My grow is outdoors so i really dont know when they flower i havent checked if they flower @ some specific time of the year or they just flower whenever they whant. But I bet they just autoflower when they are old or big enough,its something I always wanted to look into cuz daylight barely goes...
  9. ChuckyHigh PR

    Flowering Problem

    OOO lol thats cool man Im just gona stick to soil,i like it old school =) And again good luck with ur grow! Im gona post some pics of mine again soon CH
  10. ChuckyHigh PR

    Flowering Problem

    Wow those look verry nice! What strain is it? How are u watering them by hand?cuz i see a cup of water there Hope it all goes well Best of luck to u CH
  11. ChuckyHigh PR

    Cloning question

    Im still confused... Can my cutting have 2 sets of SINGLE blade leaves or do the sets have to have more than single leaves?
  12. ChuckyHigh PR

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    Yeah lol i was thinking of that last night.
  13. ChuckyHigh PR

    Cloning question

    bump bump anyone?
  14. ChuckyHigh PR

    Cloning question

    Bump bump bump
  15. ChuckyHigh PR

    Cloning question

    Can I clone with my cutting having only single blade leaves?
  16. ChuckyHigh PR

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    how does nirvana send ur seeds??im thinking of buying here but im just curious and want to know how they do their stelth. pics could be nice =)
  17. ChuckyHigh PR

    White bag seed

    they are premature but sometimes they do germ give it a shot
  18. ChuckyHigh PR

    Flowering Problem

    No problem guys thanks for posting & the help I will try and update latter CH
  19. ChuckyHigh PR

    imp cfl lights question

    i dont think they are brighter they just emit a diferent colered light i think lol
  20. ChuckyHigh PR

    My Hiden Grow

    Have u thought about the smell?When MJ flowers it puts out a really intense smell it could easly coat ur whole house with it. And these guys are right that looks pretty flamable. look at this lil stealth box i made for fun...