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  1. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Condolences! Just a few weeks ago, the Trich closeup looked pretty good. Were the Trichs all dried up at harvest? After thinking about that root ball, you may have been facing two issues. Nute/Salt overload, and a root mass that smothered itself. That plant was pretty big, and perhaps a bigger...
  2. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Funny! That is a pretty solid mass of roots! Let it soak in some water, and it should break apart. I am interested in whether there are any signs of white salty areas. When you did the big flush, it gets most of the salt out, but will leave a ring a salt that the flushing does not get. I had a...
  3. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Yes, and the CoCo can be recycled as well. Just flush it well.
  4. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Can you get a shot of the root ball? I would like to see if the salt overload had any visible effect. My estimate of 254g is for dried and cured bud! I forgot to use the word "bud" in my previous estimate!!!! No trim in the weight!!!
  5. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Be careful with putting bud in the freezer. I put several mason jars in the freezer for long term storage. When the Trichomes freeze, they become very brittle, and break off easily. I noticed that the bottom of the jars were littered with Trichs after a little handling. I realized that the same...
  6. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    At my age, a couple of hits of BHO would probably kill me! What exactly is BHO? At your tolerance level, all that Permafrost will be gone in a week!!!
  7. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Slinger36s. Based on my testing, there was very little difference in either taste or potency The positive for me, was the darkness seemed to harden up the buds, and give them a better appearance. Seemed to create a bit more resin as well. I think it is time for all of us to give estimates on...
  8. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    You should be fine. Just keep the cuttings as big as possible.
  9. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I think you could chop it into the largest pieces that will fit in your box. There are a lot of different ways to skin the Cat!
  10. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    48 hours of darkness will not harm the harvest. The theory is that the darkness will force the plant to protect itself by sealing the buds, with a little extra resin. I do it on my grows. There are a lot of harvest guides on the net. This is the one that I tend to follow. The drying process in...
  11. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    The locals are harvesting Permafrost at around 77 days. You are at 73 days. Slinger36s is right. Time to harvest. Might want to consider 48 hours of total darkness prior to harvest. This is debatable, but I think it helps the plant seal itself with resin.
  12. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I think you are correct. She would not have those those big side colas without the two side lights. The LED lacks the penetration of a HPS, and you are making up for this by adding the side lights. I use a 300W LED for veg, and a 600W HPS for flowering. Your setup looks like a better producer to...
  13. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I like how you have three sets of big colas, each headed to a light. That really makes the plant bush out. Is that about 600w of lighting? Never thought of spreading the lighting around like that. It is a good idea.
  14. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    Great Photos. I am now seeing Permafrost show up locally. 77 days to flower seems the norm. I think you are at 53 days. 77-53=24 days left, or just over three weeks. Are you still seeing bud growth? You can really see the result of the salt overload from a few weeks back. Tough to recover...
  15. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    The clones are looking good. Are those fabric pots you are using? I use 2 gallon Smart Pots, and they look the same. These type of pots work great with CoCo. The root tips will grow through the fabric and "air prune" themselves. You might want to give the clones a quick fine mist foliar feed...
  16. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I am from Michigan as well.
  17. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I was doing a Google search on the PermaFrost strain, and found a really interesting grow, that is very similar to yours. He grow a PermaFrost bag seed under 190W CFl. You may need a free account to see the pictures. He harvested at 11 weeks. This supports Slinger36's post. 77-46= 31 days (4 1/2...
  18. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I think we are all giving you fairly consistent input. In my prior post, I indicated that my grows go 56-70 days. You are at 45 days (please confirm!). 70-45=25 days, and may be a little longer if Sativa dominate. This is why Slinger36 is saying 5 weeks (35 days). I also think we are all saying...
  19. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    I always have trouble telling the difference between clear and milky. My eye sight is not too good. You might consider waiting until the 1st Amber Trich appears. The Amber color is quite noticable, and as long as you check them everyday, the bulk of the Trichs will still be Milky, when the 1st...
  20. M

    LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

    When growing a bag seed, it is going to be tough call. If I am correct, you are on day 45 of flower. Is that right? I normally go from 56-70 days for flowering, depending on the strain. I normally feed only 5.9PH water for the last 10 days or so. You will have to make the call!