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    3 gallon bagz

    Im just starting my second grow experimenting with 3gal and 5gal bags to see if there is much difference. In the first grow I found that the 3 gal bags produced taller plants and considerable more weight than the 5gal. bags. Also a had better control over the nutrients thru the grow as I would...
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    Whole plant turning yellow and leaves turning brown and crispy (PICS)

    I agree with laserbrn. When I get behind on the N. I can never get them green again. Try giving a little extra Grow Big on wk 5 using the Fox Farm Nutrients and feeding schedule.
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    Big momma died!!! What can i do?

    I tried cloning White Russian after 3 wks of flower. They rooted no problem but never would grow. I kept them for almost two months and all they did was make the remaining leaves dark dark green. Eventually the leaves started to get crusty and I threw them out. Hope you have better luck.
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    How did I do?

    I am growing White Russian from clones using 600 watt HPS. I use Fox Farm nutrients and Sunshine Mix # 4. At 4 wks of veg (under t5 fluor.)and 8 wks of flower I netted 34.6 grams of timmed and cured bud. AT 5 wks of veg. I netted 33.8 grms per plant. ( one plant only produced 15.6 grms). At 6...
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    Heeellppp!!!! Pleease asap drooping leaves help before its too late

    It seems to be very leggy. I would give it more light and prop it up until the stem thickens and it can support itself. MJ is very resilient and will usually recover.
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    I believe you should use the formula for soft wood which is pretty diluted. I had terible luck with dip and grow. I have tried two gels with mediocre results. I now only use Rootone powder and get close to 100%. I also root in peet. good luck hope this helps.
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    Seedling's first day under lights: first true leaves now yellow

    I think you may be out of luck. FFOF can be too rich for young clones and seedlings especially if the roots are not will established. I learned this the hard way and now mix with peet 50/50.
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    May have made some mistakes near harvest.

    I cant really say about the bug spray but as far as the nutes if you have time give them a good amount of water and as many days as you can afford. also watch your buds for bud mold since you sprayed them off.
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    Can a male show sex at 24 days from germ?

    I germinated some bag seeds that I came across in a drawer. I had about 30 seeds and 18 of them popped. Of the eighteen only three of them survived. I now have three healthy plants in veg. Yesterday on looking closely I noticed little flower sacks on the second node. and on the third node it...
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    Need more veg. light

    I currently have 3-4X2 T5s and a 65cfl for clones. Could someone give me an opinion on hydofarm 125 CFL? Will it perform similar to the T5s? Thanks
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    Help Me Please!!!

    Your buds look fine to me. They are starting to get good and horny and will continue to bulge and put on weight for the next 4 weeks. Seed sacs still mean shes a female you need to look for balls at the nodes. I think your just fine.
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    Where to Start Reading(Noob)?

    I bought jorge's bible and learned everything i needed to get started. Good luck
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    3 Weeks Flowering.

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    Plants are no longer invincible. I may have a problem and need an answer. WITH PICS

    if I'm not mistaken Happy Frog already has perlite so your over 50% perlite. I don't recommend more than 30%. I would transplant into 3 gal gr.bag and use fresh soil like sunshine mix. If you use a nutrient rich soil like Happy frog and nutrients besides you can get an imbalance in certain...
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    Advice On My Clones?

    I would start by using a seedling mix with little or no nutrient charge. keep the ph between 6.5-6.8 and put under cfl or t5. Also go to Wal-mart and get a cool mist humidifier for when you start veg. Also your containers are too big for starting clones. I also agree with the cutting made easy...
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    150 mh or 4ft 4 tube T5

    The problem U my have under one fixture is the light needs to be very close. I use 3- 24"X4 tube T5 fixtures for veg. Its easy to adjust the lights to the different plant heights. I can not speak to the 150 MH as I have never used one but heat can even be a problem w/T5s. Also consider a...
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    Free Grow Software!

    Can anyone tell me why I can't mix nutrients . It keeps telling me to check my shit. Also is there someplace to record plain waterings for those that grow in containers?
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    clone problem!

    usually you will be able to transplant in 10-14 days.
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    clone problem!

    need more info. How long were the cuttings off the plant before they were in water or cube? did you pre moisten the cube? Generally speaking they should not be droopy.
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    How long will it take for the bud to soften??

    If your a grower. try using a piece of fresh stem. It has worked for me.