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  1. MagillaGuerilla

    Growing Outdoors For $

    I grow for money, but I dont sell any of the weed. The money is from not having to buy any weed off the black market because I grew it. When you smoke 1/2 oz a week like me, thats a nice piece of my paycheck I get to keep for myself. So I think I do grow for $$ in a way. I share it with friends...
  2. MagillaGuerilla

    should i water today?

    Just curious, why are you feeding with bat guano already? Are they flowering?
  3. MagillaGuerilla

    If Brown Dirt gets caught then wont we all??

    I love those vids, my theory is it was the cameraman. Inside job. I wonder if we will ever know? British Columbia is like the outdoor pot capital of the Western hemisphere, tons of choppers, rippers, and cops too. Hell that chopper in the video could have been the thieves. Biker gangs are...
  4. MagillaGuerilla

    Get Together?

    Id never do it. The whole point of posting online is to share your work while remaining anonymous, at least for me. The #1 rule of growing is Dont tell anyone!!
  5. MagillaGuerilla

    I keep getting signed out

    enable cookies?
  6. MagillaGuerilla

    Best with the pests?

    Neem oil, every outdoor grower should be using this. Its totally safe for humans, so it doesnt affect your smoke. Best thing since sliced bread, seriously. Spray it on the plant, make sure you get the bottoms of the leaves. Make sure you dont get any in your eyes. It stings. Lowes has a brand...
  7. MagillaGuerilla

    ~~!!Indoor Vegging,OutSide Flowering...Yay Or Nay??!!~

    Yes I think they will flower, especially if you wait until July 1st or so to put them out. It will take a couple weeks to see buds forming of course, but any clone taken out after the summer solstice(June 21st I think) should flower especially if it was under 24 hours of light before the transplant.
  8. MagillaGuerilla

    Flowering time in IL

    If it came from some standard "middies" commercial weed, Id say you will be fine because commercial growers are growing strains that are fast finishers usually, finish standard time mid Sept to mid Oct. Now if you pulled that seed out of a nug of some funky haze or something, well then good...
  9. MagillaGuerilla

    How Do These Look? Need Advice/Help!? (First Time Grow - Long Read)

    Hello Hilikus! First of all, Northern Lights is a great strain to grow for a 1st time grow. Very easy to maintain and will finish outdoors for just about anyone, no matter the climate. Your soil mix looks nice, except maybe the miracle grow organic nutrient stuff, Im not a Miracle grow hater...
  10. MagillaGuerilla

    Hi Rollitup

    Thanks guys!
  11. MagillaGuerilla

    Hi Rollitup

    Hey guys and gals, Im a newbie here and I thought I would introduce myself. I have been a stoner for about 15 years now. I have some experience growing indoors but not as much as outdoors. I have grown for the last 8 years outside and have turned a crop over in 7 of them, I got all my plants...