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  1. ummbaby

    what the F___ is going on?! someone please help

    sometimes people over analyze their nutrient situation... except for that one bright yellow plant in the middle (weird) it looks like the only leaves that are yellowing are the ones wayyyy below... on the bottom of your plants, and since your plants are very healthy they have nice horizontal...
  2. ummbaby

    hello smokey how are you?

    hello smokey how are you?
  3. ummbaby

    Leaves Turning Brown and curling under. Plant Almost Dying! ***PICS**

    ooogdy booogdy mate i think your medium is tooo chunky you have too much bark in your soil rufff ruff!
  4. ummbaby

    young wheaties plant TIPS YELLOWING

    oh my goodness! my young lady is having her tips yellowed! i heard of this problem and that it happened to alot of people, and now its happened to me! what do i doooo? here are some pictures my dear friends please help me asses the problem! i am first time grower man. my grow set up is 2 14watt...