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  1. oldhippy54

    picked up a few things what do you think

    i filled my pot with soil AFTER i drilled holes in the bottom. this is my first grow and only have this 1 plant till i can get some seeds. i changed my lighting to a desk flourecent lamp and keep it atleast 1 inch from the plant. i have a friend that used miracle grow in north carolina {outside...
  2. oldhippy54

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    these are very blurry but i will take more later and thank you dragon and everyone else
  3. oldhippy54

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    my bad ....must be the meth fucks you up in the wrong ways sometimes. my apologies
  4. oldhippy54

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    thats for medical marijuana use since i have degenerative disc disease..i thought that would be appropiate. yup i am 54 yrs old "ancient hippy" i should be. i am also on methadone for pain 160 mgs a day but reefer is better. trying to get some so i can detox from the meth! untill i can get some...
  5. oldhippy54

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    back in the day we "potheads" smoked with anyone and no violence or color was even thought of. we all just kicked back and toked listened to music and there was no fear of anything except cops busting us. now....we go to try and score and "have to be looking over our shoulders the whole time"...
  6. oldhippy54

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    man i tried that and the stems broke:wall:
  7. oldhippy54

    good but cheap flowering nutes....

    yeah you can kill the plants if you use too much...ammonia and everything else in it will burn them so use very little. back in the day we used to say weed was horseshit grown lol. i was about 11 yrs old then but i know a little more about it now {i better know lol}. anyone wanna contribute some...
  8. oldhippy54

    good but cheap flowering nutes....

    if you can find some chicken manure that will grow anything for real!
  9. oldhippy54

    a new member with a question..

    Hell! I will take a dime bag lol...i am not greedy lol. Maybe a couple seeds will do too!my plants died so i am freakin in trouble! Very dry here. Later
  10. oldhippy54

    Hemp Depot Seeds

    wouldnt you know it! i lived in edmonton alberta for 2years and they decide to make it legal this year!
  11. oldhippy54

    27 OUNCES from one plant (wet that is)

    wasnt many seeds in the half i did get and "do you know how hard it is for a 54yr old hippy to score anything these days?" almost impossible here in ny...i got ripped off for $80 friday to try and replenish my supply which is for enjoying and medical use. i have 5 herniated discs and...
  12. oldhippy54

    27 OUNCES from one plant (wet that is)

    daummm i would like to have 5 seeds to start a good grow!:joint:
  13. oldhippy54

    Seeds on ebay?

    well ebay closed the seedlistings right after i posted in here last night...hmmm lol! anyway i will be out like$3 and some of you guys are paranoid. it takes 4 weeks to plant the seed and find out if it is real thc in them or plain hemp. and here in ny it would be a small fine if any for having...
  14. oldhippy54

    hemp seeds wanted

    they have hemp seeds on ebay last i looked.
  15. oldhippy54

    Seeds on ebay?

    i will let you know because i bought 10 ny diesel seeds and the guy said they WERE NOT sterile. i will let you know...hell for $0.99 i couldnt pass that up. the law he put on there made perfectly sense to me. seeds are found in birdseed and i looked that up to see if it was true or not."I WILL...
  16. oldhippy54

    ALWAYS some stupid shit

    that is how i broke mine..."i pushed too much dirt to one side of the stem so be very careful:-|
  17. oldhippy54

    ALWAYS some stupid shit

    i have a question?i had to use bagseed...i was going to buy seed from the uk but i am afraid i wont recieve the seeds since they "say they dont ship to u.s." any responses will be welcome!
  18. oldhippy54

    ALWAYS some stupid shit

    i have been just scratching the surface of the dirt...not going any deeper . i dont know much about growing weed but i would think it would be the same as most plants.i farmed in north and south carolina for 11 years so i know a little. lol
  19. oldhippy54

    ALWAYS some stupid shit

    man i broke my stem right in half yesterday trying to tape it up to some toothpicks! i put the top half with leaves in one pot and the stem in another since it had roots. the top half should sprout some roots soon i hope. in the mean time i am soaking more seeds and watching lol!"always some...