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  1. Forever Green

    How's She Lookin'??

    Its not a hermi, trust me it will look a lot more male like if it was, the nodes would be spread apart farther, atleast with most males in most strains, hermis are very identifiable though. as for reveg, I dont think its starting to reveg, the branches in the buds would be starting to green and...
  2. Forever Green


    my moms a bigger lady, and my window is 6 feet above the ground, sadely only 2 people knew, other then my parents, but one of them couldnt keep his mouth shut, but its funny i bought some seeds online, and seeded the 2 plants they got, the rest was cut down for 420, but those plants the seeds...
  3. Forever Green


    so im stoned and feel I need to relieve myself of the events of today. right under my nose i was robbed for two plants, and it all happened when we were all at home. so 2 kids that i hardely like come to the door, and i went outside the door, and during the 5 minutes I was outside, some one...
  4. Forever Green

    Canada growing penalty?

    im a fellow canadian, and have been pushed through the legal system. I have been caught (as a juvenile) growing weed, and got some community service, judge told me if i was an adult, and had a yield of more then 2 plants its a maximum of 7 years jail
  5. Forever Green

    Second Grow, Nirvana's Bubbelicious and White Widow

    My crop is just over 3 weeks old now, and its coming along nicely. Ive also noticed that the 3 white widows have spread ut so I am starting to think its strain related, and the injured bubbelicious is starting to grow again. while the other 2 are doing great with no issues except for a little...
  6. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    I havent updated in awhile, and im 1 month into bud
  7. Forever Green

    Second Grow, Nirvana's Bubbelicious and White Widow

    So I havent updated in about a week, ive been busy as ive returned to school, and been spending as much time with my girlfriend as i can, because shes moving. :/ However ive transplanted all my crop into larger pots, exept the 3 clones, which arent quite fully developed yet. My final decision...
  8. Forever Green

    Second Grow, Nirvana's Bubbelicious and White Widow

    The 4th white widow has yet to sprout, but the mystery seed had died as well as my original clone. In response I took 2 new clones and i am currently waiting for them to root.
  9. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    My first buds are starting to form on my plant. In other news, I started my second journal.
  10. Forever Green

    Second Grow, Nirvana's Bubbelicious and White Widow

    So I decided to start my second grow while my first is budding. My new crop has been raised to 9 plants, 3 bubbelicious, 4 white widow (though still waiting for 4th to sprout, 1 clone from my first grow, and 1 mystery seed from nirvana if it sprouts as its tail receded back into the seed husk...
  11. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    For my next grow im sticking with cfl's though I plan on eventually getting a better light system, though after that grow I plan on selling a bunch of it to get a bit of a fund to move to bc as I dont like the town I am in, but dont have the money available to move. So i suppose whatever money...
  12. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    I agree i need more light, right now im at about 140 watts in clfs (actual wattage is around 600) and I have this plant only budding, but the room was built for my next operation which will contain somewhere around 9- 12 plants which i will be making a new journal for soon
  13. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    New pics of my baby today, tried to get a good picture of the hairs but couldnt get the best angle with my iphone :/
  14. Forever Green

    Dinafem Blue Widow

    nice set up, and if you know, you mind telling me what blue widow is comprised of? blue mystic crossed with white widow?
  15. Forever Green

    My Closet GrowBox

    I do plan on adding 4 more tube flouros for side lighting when i get the money, as well as changing to 6 23 watt cfls. Thanks for the advice as well, as I plan on improving it as I go along
  16. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    My plant is finally showing signs of being female :lol:. As well I have 3 bubbelicious sprouts, 1 white widow and I am waiting on the other 2 ww sprouts to come in, but plan on starting a second journal for them with more details.
  17. Forever Green

    My Closet GrowBox

    I had only a 250 dollar budget for my new grow room, but I am satisfied with how it turned out. The grow room fits nicely in my closet being 3' wide, 2' deep, and 4' tall. Though right now its being used as a flower room/sprout room until the sprouts come up when they are moved to my older...
  18. Forever Green

    New Grower

    I use 3 100w replacement cfls with 2 60 watt replacement cfls on a home made fixture, and 2 75 watt replacement flouro tube lights for side lighting and my plants grow half an inch a day :/
  19. Forever Green

    My first ever grow

    My plant has reached 2 months and I am deciding to bud her. Now to hope im patient enough to wait for the buds. aswell i started the rest of my crop in a second room, which should contain 3 bubbelicios and 2 white widow. however only 1 has sprouted and the others have been germinated and...
  20. Forever Green

    First closet grow unknown mid-grade bagseed

    thats indica, why are you so certain it should be sativa? are they both from the same bag?