Search results

  1. windpot

    Bio Bizz Grow or Tomatoerite

    Whuts happenin yawl :joint: i recently purchased sum BioBizz Grow noobly with little research on the actual product itself :dunce:, Realised when the bottle came that it has almost the exact same NPK Values as a bottle of Levingtons tomatorite that ive had for a while. :S Biobiz N-P-K. 4.0...
  2. windpot

    Compost tea advice needed?

    vCheers for the help guyz, Im defos gonnah move upto a good quality tea at some point, the one youve suggesteds awsome. I will probably try sum dumpcompost to see if ive hit some free gold in the meantime tho lol,
  3. windpot

    Compost tea advice needed?

    sweet yeah al give it a search man, Theirs a good few recipes on herr tht all sound briliant, am jst reeli woundering if the compost i was thinking of using with the molasses would work, for just adding microbes n shit to give the soil more life to uptake nutrients abit better. On a hefty budget...
  4. windpot

    Compost tea advice needed?

    Heloo People, i have been looking up a bunch of posts n stuff regarding organic teas n been contemplating making some kind of tea with resources i can get a hold of :roll:. ive been debaiting using free compost supplied at the dump and mix it with some molasses then brew it for a few weeks in a...
  5. windpot

    Nutrients Decission ..?

    Awsome man, yeah ive heard of the plagron stuff before, would you say ther gro and bloom has better n-p-k values.?
  6. windpot

    Nutrients Decission ..?

    Yoo Awll :eyesmoke: Stuck with a dilema heer, not sure on which nutrients to get for my soil grow:confused: Im thinking about gettin bio bizz gro n bloom was woundering if anyone else had recommendations for a beginner.:dunce: Heard alot of people like Canna nutes aswell not too...
  7. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Hey all, Took a few more pics, the yellowing seems to have begun spreading on one of them, added some bonemeal to the top of the soil to kind of raise the ph a lil Heers a pic of the first true leaves as you can see in this pic the yellowing is starting to spread and the little supplement...
  8. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Hey man, still waiting for the ph strips to come, in the meantime i gave them a watering and collected the run off in 2 cups, going to test them when the strips get heer. The damage seems to be spreading a little pretty slowly, i got some bonemeal to kind of raise the ph a little, jst mixed a...
  9. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Yeah man was thinkin tht, if i need to go more accurate ill maybe consider it in the future :) Sweet ideaa man, pretty sure i have an old strainer lying around sumwerr :P Was thinkin if the water is too acidic coz i checked the soil ph n it said it was neutral,
  10. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    what would you says the best method for checking ph of the water? ther seems to be lots of controversy on the ph probes, are the papers still pretty acurate
  11. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Heyy man this is gonnah sound stupid but im not sure how big the pots are :)) , their about 9 n half inch tall. i had a soil ph tester when i checked it, it was at 7, ill need to pick up some of them papers or a pen tester. And yeah i think the soil is mostly peat moss
  12. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Yeah man definently wanting to do anything to increase my overall harvest :p Theyve definently woke up since i changed the light schedule and cut down on the watering, ive began to notice some yellowing on the first true leaves and the 2nd :o Any ideas why this would be happening, woundering...
  13. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Ahhh i have read before of people putting their lights on for about 18/6, lol the name autoFLOWER is kind of misleading :P, well for me, cheers for the great advice dude :D
  14. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    hey man, sory for the late reply :), yeah that makes alot of sense, al hang fire with the nootes for a few waterings, im using 1 65w cfl n 2 11w just now then moving it to a 250w hps, My set ups still pretty budget and growing i still need to pick up a thermometer, lol:dunce: noob shit, bogth...
  15. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    great tip man cheers, the soil doesnt have any nutes in it im sure, must be overwatering gonnah leev them for a couple of days see if theirs any improvement on its condition
  16. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    sweet al check it out thanks for the help, just avoided a potential major meltdown lol
  17. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Hey thanks for the quick responce :D Really i thot it would have been under watering :O the soil seems pretty dry dont get me wrong it is kind of still damp, what would you recomend as a kind of watering schedule, bit of a newb lol
  18. windpot

    Help & Advice needed for Autoflower turning yellow and leaves curling (pics)

    Heyy awll, Looking for some help diagnosing the problem with my autoflower :O , its almost been 2 weeks now since it was pott'd and its begining to show signs of yellowing and discolouring, also the first true leaves are begining to curl up as if they are drying out. :leaf: The soil is a...
  19. windpot

    Help with identification please

    oooft cheers dude tht coodah been messy lol :O. All this confusion could have been sorted with 2 words on the sticker lol :)) aint bitchin thoo, thnx for the help mate
  20. windpot

    Help with identification please

    Our offer is as follows, EVERY seed order (not including single seed orders) will receive 2 free Jock Horror Auto marijuana seeds from the Nirvana Seedbank. Theirs the answer their...