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    A question that you all might hate, I know that I usually do unless I know the end height of the plant. I dont know the strain..... but was wondering if you have a plant that is a foot and a half tall and using 3 1750(lumen) clfs what is the least yeild to most yeild you have gotten from your...
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    I found something and have a question!

    YEAH balls would be the seeds, as in a hermie plant cause it looks like female to hermie.... sorry if i got the 'Words' wrong but still the same........ they are sacks with pollen in them..........
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    I found something and have a question!

    OKAY that definetly looks hermie......... no doubt about it..... how could that be a female with all the little balls on it........... no your right hermie it is
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    First grow

    haha though i did find out I missed 3 plants!!!!!!!!!! so I am still PISSED that I threw the 7 out...... I have a lot more starting to grow and 1 male (which is good for seeds that I wanted!) and 1 female woohoo its already stretched a whole lot several inches.... and more to come I am sure of...
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    Big Bud/White Rhino Grow - Aeroponics Grow

    oh that looks sooooooo good....... congrats on the grow, you got to make sure that you give us updates with how the smoke is .......
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    Thank you sooooo much that definetly helps me out a lot. Okay so then they are the actual flowers. Yeah I had a friend that used these seeds before that couldn't tell the sex until after the 12/12 cycle they were 14'' and still were no preflowers...... she ended up getting all female seeds to...
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    as in I cant say that its fully blueberry or if its mixed .....
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    Oh okay I think i get it...... so right now is when I am gonna see the final growing stage since I am only in a couple of days of the pre-flowers......... if its 8'' now does that mean it could be a foot and a half by the time of the full flowering stage? Also is that when the tricombs...
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    Okay i have a question I hear that the plant grows 2-3 times during the flowering cycle.... but yet people dispute when the flowering cycle is called the flowering cycle my question is........ Is the start of the 12/12 when the plant grows 2-3 times OR after pre-flowers start that it grows 2-3...
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    First grow

    okay so unfortunatly sometimes the delivery guy sounds like a cop knocking on the door and I could hear it from allllll the way down stairs so what was I to do I tossed out my plants and then check to see who it was if I was upstairs I would of checked first...... so regretably I didnt think I...
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    First grow

    Hey all I wanted to know if there is crystals on the leaves but there is no sign of pre-flowers could the crystals forming all over be a sign its female?
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    is it obvious when the seed is germinized?

    once its above the soil I would go ahead and use the light....... just a question have you done any research on your own dont wanna sound like a bitch but I have had no prior growing history and these questions are fairly simple compared to what your going to be dealing with like nut deficency...
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    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    I hear that.... but its def better than losing your job either, thats why I like having a set time, which the job I am in allows you to know 3 months advanced... the only way you would get a screen on the spot is if you show up at work higher than hell and there is NO way that before work I...
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    First grow

    ugh sorry one more questions do fluros give off enough light to be detected by radars and or too much more electricity or are they to little to do anything like that
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    is it obvious when the seed is germinized?

    thats good that is what they should look like.... you doin it.. remember that everything with growing is patients and no one can teach ya that. And trust I am not dissin you I def am still learning how to have patients....... good job and good luck
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    First grow

    I also forgot that I have seen white I dunno if its hair but looks like it near the top right at the colas does that mean its female?? I know the hair means female but I didn't know if its just like new growth or damage or hairs.... and I have 2 other plants that around the new green...
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    First grow

    Thanks sooo much I was thinking and yes it has a little I dont have the actual amount with me right now but its something SMALL like 0.10 - 0.06 - 0.10 I heard having nutes in your soil isn't too good but then I use Virogo with 10-10-10 and I use it maybe once every 7-9 days.... so that I dont...
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    First grow

    I was thinking of doing an LST for some of my plants to see how it goes can someone that has done this tell me how much more yeild they got from theirs? I am not 100% sure of how to do it but I have some idea......... let me know
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    First grow

    I have 8 others... I just kinda wanted to know if I tried 2 of them what would happen.... I am gonna have to free up 2 plants here soon because I had a couple more germinate that I didn't think would actually open....... more curious than anything
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    First grow

    thanks GROWSPECIALIST just making sure that I am not using some bad lights I know they aren't the best but they seem to be doing something.... another question I saw on I think this site that after a week of veg they went into the 12/12 cycle if I did this with 1 or 2 of mine will that for...