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    When is this ready for flower mode? (pics)

    yup it does that to make more bud sites for you just another way the lady comes through for ya :D
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    cfl= bad choice

    oh it looks like she signed off because no one cares about her damn opinion..... shit she can attack but then she runs off when she looks like a dumbass!
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    My First Grow with cfl's

    looking good I will be watching your grow... how tall are they now?
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    smelly purple weed! ready?

    looking good... give it some more time take a magnifier and look at the tricombs see if they are amber.... they probably aren't 100% ready with the new growth... but you will want a magnifier..... good job on the grow you will have to tell us how the smoke is.... :D
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    First time into flower

    hey i would say its iron or mg defficenty I would feed them with a higher iron or mg solution good luck
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    cfl= bad choice

    which to me that seems smarter cause if you get a bust you can use them in different places than throw or have to get rid of a 200 dollar light ONE LIGHT......... that to me seems smarter to have more lights that you can focus around the plant than one light for all the plants.
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    cfl= bad choice

    look maybe some people are being cheap that is your opinion I have seen for myself in person and on RIU that have GREAT yields with CFLs and same for HID but you gotta realize what works for them is what works for them when you see someone complaining that they got a sucky yield with CFLs then...
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    clone stem and leaf changing color

    how long ago did you plant this clone.... also remember that when it clones it will turn yellow when its rooting. It might take a couple days to a couple weeks especially since you didn't put the root powder or liquid on the stem first. keep watching it and remember sometimes it takes awhile...
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    When is this ready for flower mode? (pics)

    yeah its all up to what you wanna do how high you want your plant and the yield that you want them to be. You will be able to tell when the pre-flowers come in the grow to the side of the node and when they pre-flower you will be able to notice in a few days if its clusters of 'balls' (the...
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    hey this possible?

    your gonna have to clone... its the only way that you will be able to keep the strain going. But only problem with that is if you are planning to do year around with your plants. I think you said that you have other seeds. I would plant at least one and hope it becomes male and then use the...
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    Thanks I am so excited to see how they work out. I am going to try to get the pics up later on tonight or tomorrow depending on when my new battery is finished charging one is now 15'' (as of yesterday) we will call her Angel. And the other one is 10'' and lets call her Fay (yes after the...
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    YEAH i just got back from the store..... got some higher wattage... have some 60watters (highest they had in stock) but i got about 12 and some lamps so we will see..... lol i got alot but I dont know if i need to use them all i think i am gonna use 3-4 bulbs to each plant and see how that works...
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    Just built the box

    yeah they should be fine you just dont want them touching the plants....... can wait to see pics
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    yeah but do you know how much yeild you get off of your 14-18'' ? I am a heavy smoker could smoke an ounce in a week and a half if I am not careful.. lol..... thats the reason I wanted to know. I know it has to do with strain but since I dont know what strain(s) could be and hopefully I will...
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    TY RIU... 1st grow cfl

    wow thats amazing well, lol I guess I am actually a couple days behind you lol I am in the second week of flowering so I musta been to high to realize you were ahead of me. Still tho we will prob be smoking at the same time thinkin damn and we bought this, and we made it for free!
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    beginning of the second week..... (12 days) one didn't preflower they have to turn to 12/12 they are rapidly coming in but i am still seeing some growth to it........ sadly its like 14 1/2 '' and should get to 16-18 inches. but anyway I have a 9'' she did preflower (got two different strains)...
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    thanks sizzle and we will prob be smoking our grow at the same time :D i am so excited lol!
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    thanks yeah i would love to get it but wait till later. lol just because i will want to get it and i will be gone for the next couple of days. I wont keep pics up long probably for 48 hours + .... and the hairs are getting longer and they are like multiplying EVERYWHERE and I believe thats...
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    TY RIU... 1st grow cfl

    Those look really good. I am gonna have to get some pics up so that you can see how I am doing it looks like we are both at the same stage looking at all the white hairs I am lovin waking up to more and bigger hairs..... congrats on the girls and i will keep watching ...... how tall are they?
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    one of my other ones in 18/6 is now female! so now i got 3 it actually preflowered it must of been the other strain (playing with 2 different seeds and i didn't have them labeled so guessing its the other one)