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  1. N

    How long will pollen last in a grow room

    I had to go away for work for a month and had the misses topping up the res and looking after them, their was one in their I assumed to be male but decided to leave it a bit longer (huge mistake) she ended up comfirming it to be male but was to late unfortunately thsnks for the info guys, ill...
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    How long will pollen last in a grow room

    Hey guys, In one of my grow rooms I took to long to remove a male and long story short he got to all my girls and I ended up with seedy bud. I have since harvested the plants and I did my best to clean the entire room. I have clones ready to go into this flower room but dont want them to get...
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    how long can plants go in the dark (blackout)

    Thanks heaps mate, doesnt look like it should be to bad where I am, just wanted that piece of mind
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    how long can plants go in the dark (blackout)

    Adults are in 13l pots, coco as medium, drain to waste table. Clones are just starting to root in aero cloner
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    how long can plants go in the dark (blackout)

    Hey guys, I live in northern Australia and as some of you may know we are about to get hit by a large cyclone (typhoon) This means their may be a chance I could loose power for a couple of days. I currently have 13 plants in their second week of flower under a 1000watt hid and about 40...
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    6x6 coverage.

    I want to run 4 sog trays, maybe im better off running four trays 4x4 with a 1000 watt each. I do have heaps of ròom
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    6x6 coverage.

    Hey guys, I am still ahving trouble trying to find the best way to light my nee flower room im building. I have 4 flood trays, each is 3x3, and csnt figure out how many lights I need snd where to position them. some people have said go with 4 lights 600 watts each but how many lights...
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    1000watt hps coverage.

    The new flower room im building will have 4 flood tables, sog style. I will be running esch table either 3x3 or 4x4. Maybe im better just going 8x8 room with four 1000watters
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    1000watt hps coverage.

    So your raptors are covering 9x4.5foot each with ease?
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    1000watt hps coverage.

    Im confused about saying I need a square room I was under the impression batt wings put out rectangular light not square? I was only thinking cool tube as heat will be an issue where I live (north Australia)
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    1000watt hps coverage.

    Hey guys. Just wondering will a 1000watt hps cover an area 6x3foot? Was thinking of running a cooltube with battwing reflectors. That should give me 55watts per foot. Does this sound right? Noca
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    First Time Sog Grower Any Suggestions

    It would totally depend on the age and condition of the mother plants.
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    quick seed/germination question

    Sorry I should have mentioned, hydro, no soil.
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    quick seed/germination question

    Hey guys, I am sprouting seeds, i am currently using destilled water with a ph of 5.7 and just curious when I should start watering with nuits? At ths moment the seedlings are about an inch tall, still have 2 seed leafs and 2 more normal leafs, some roots are just coming through the...
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    T5 Questions

    Hey guys, I have just been offered some T5 lights brand new cheap, only problem is they are 4000k, will these guys be suitable for Germination/cloning? Noca
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    600-1000watt coverage area

    Thanks heaps mate, thats exactly what I was looking for :)
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    600-1000watt coverage area

    Hey guys, just a quick question. Im just about to build a flower room, I have an entire bedroom to utilise if I want. What I need to know is how much grow area will a 600wat cover and how much will a 1000 watt light cover? cant decide which wattadge to get. To cover more area would...
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    What Dirty Jerz Said. No need for anything more.