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  1. M

    Inline Fan lowering Humidity too low

    The light was raised about 4-5 inches yesterday afternoon and it doesn't to have seemed to help. Since it's in a tent, a window can't be opened. The bottom ventilation of the tent is open as well as another vent hole. I guess they won't be fed with any nutes on the next watering to see how it...
  2. M

    Inline Fan lowering Humidity too low

    The inline fan in the tent is lowering the humidity way too low. It hovers around 15-25%. The 5 plants that are in there are curling their leaves up like a taco. There are two jugs of water there to help raise the humidity but they are barely doing anything. What can be done? :?: :sad...
  3. M

    400W HPS light and Portable A/C Exhaust ducting help!

    I'm thinking I can just have the fan blow the hot air from the tent out to the room, then the A/C can take care of the rest and blow it out of the window. Or is that too inefficient?
  4. M

    400W HPS light and Portable A/C Exhaust ducting help!

    Have a 900 BTU Portable A/C unit inside the grow tent (36''x22''x72'') to keep things cool from the 400W HPS light. The 440 CFM 6'' inline fan just arrived and wanted to configure it to replace the Portable A/C unit IN the the tent. Basically, I want the portable A/C out of the tent (in my...
  5. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Thanks for the input guys. Recently gave it plenty fertilizer and hopefully it will get better. Anyone know when it should be harvested?
  6. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yea, working on it in another thread lol
  7. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What about this one, THE first grow?
  8. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Here are pics from this morning, right before the flush. Two or three days ago, more fert was added. I'm just confused to if it is over fertilized or under because I'm hearing two different things (on this forum
  9. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Was skeptical from all the research I did before the first grow was started about how its so easy to nute burn your plants. Not using the same soil next time. Thanks again for your help!
  10. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Didn't want to over-fert because it is in Miracle-grow time-released nute soil.
  11. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    The strain is Dinafem Seeds Sweet Deep Grapefruit from Attitude. There is a about an inch layer of sand on top of the soil because of a former pest problem. Also, the stems are turning purple and more fan leaves are yellowing/dying. I will try to post more pics tomorrow.
  12. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Maybe the soil isn't draining too well and foiler feeding would be the best option?
  13. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    The newer leaves are turning yellow toward the top. There are some necrotic spots on them also. The soil is still moist in towards the bottom of the pot. Should more fert be added this time?
  14. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Added two tablespoons of the cactus fert in the gallon and watered the plant this morning around 8am. Now its 3PM and there's not really any noticeable signs of improvement. I'm thinking maybe it's overwatered (Because of the droopy leaves) and since it's not absorbing any water, it can't...
  15. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Will do it tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Thanks
  16. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Used 20 drops for a about a little over a quart of distilled water. Didn't want to over water it because the soil was still a little moist (According to the in-soil-gauge) I think its larger than a 2 gallon, see the pic:
  17. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    So is that better than the one I'm currently using? Just added double the normal strength to the plant. I'll let you know how it goes and thank you for your help btw!
  18. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    I'm not exactly sure, I called them and just asked for jack's. The main stores around here are Walmart and Home depot. I'm worried if I order any nutes, they wont get here in time.
  19. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    There were no local shops that still had jack's classic fert so that went out of the equation...
  20. M

    First grow, how much longer till harvest?

    Pics were taken yesterday and the cactus fertilizer was given at normal strength two days ago. Should more fert be added?? I can't tell if its overfertilized or under?