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  1. s0up

    Buemax's 600w tent grow,height issues solved,sort of,pics here finally,please advise

    That safe stuff you sprayed on them could be causing the burns... that shit nuked the leaves on some of my plants when i was having a minor powdery mildew issue
  2. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    Here are some recent pics :) :leaf:
  3. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    My kush plants seem to be midgets though :( It's hard to keep them even with the other plants without hardcore bending. I would like to do a scrog but at this point in my grow it is too late! Is scrog > LST or is that just a debate topic amongst growers? I like how I can still move my plants...
  4. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    and oh yeah.. i forgot to post pics of my headband!
  5. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    These are all clones from a local clinic :) Downside though is you can only choose from what they have.. not like they take requests or anything lol but my next grow I am def. going to be more picky as to what strains i put in there.
  6. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    I don't ever intend on growing 5 different strains ever again though.. the LST has been more just to keep the canopy even than trying to get additional bud sites... Chemdawg is a very consistent grower, where the double underdog is the ugliest plant but it grows like a weed so i keep having...
  7. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    Wierd lighting i guess :-P i cant take pics for shit with my HPS turned on in there Using phone camera though.. high megapixel but with a small lens it can only let so much light in
  8. s0up

    First indoor grow 600w HPS.. finally getting to see trichomes :-D

    Sharing my excitement! Finally starting to see signs of trichomes forming.. and now it's like christmas every day when i look in there :) Week 4 day 1 of flowering Let me know if you would like to see more pics! First grow, fox farm ocean forest with the nutrient trio 600w...
  9. s0up

    Oops! I eff'ed up! Will this cause problems?

    I had the same problem.. but i was only 3 hours off.. No problems.. but getting a new timer really saved me alot of stress. The plants aren't done so I can't tell you it won't affect the yield or something but.. they seem fine now :)
  10. s0up

    beginning of week 3 flowering.. how do my plants look?

    i was told to lst them by a friend of mine who introduced me to growing -- it seems to be working well though although scrog seems cleaner :) i just wonder how much the growth will be stunted since it's been under a 150 until week 2 flowering
  11. s0up

    beginning of week 3 flowering.. how do my plants look?

    This is my first grow so not everything is perfect.. they spent up to 1 week ago under a 150w hps.. but now they are under an air cooled 600w :) I'm attempting LST but i might be doing it completely wrong lol I'm using FFOF soil with the trio for nutes.. Just looking for some input...
  12. s0up

    Indoor personal 150 watt grow [pics]

    This is my first try growing and any input would be appreciated :) It's not a huge grow because this is just for my personal meds =[ Built a tent in my closet which is 2x4x5ft .. pumps the air into the attic. Light: 150w sun hps.. 16,000 lumens Growing medium: FFOF w/ fox farm nutrient...
  13. s0up

    first indoor medical mj personal grow [pics]

    My friend told me to get gravity/snowstorm/MOAB... which I have purchased but after reading a bunch i'm not really sure if that is a good idea... especially with soil. Even if I use MOAB in smaller amounts am I still risking making the PH in the soil go haywire and get salts building up?
  14. s0up

    first indoor medical mj personal grow [pics]

    so you can see better
  15. s0up

    first indoor medical mj personal grow [pics]

    Oh yeah they look like hunchbacks because i'm LSTing them and they haven't been LST'd very long :P
  16. s0up

    first indoor medical mj personal grow [pics]

    I'm new to this but I have been doing a ton of reading.. and getting help from a fellow patient who grows for himself quite a bit :) Any input would be nice on anything i should change... My setup is as follows :) Light: 150w HPS (small i know... but good enough for my smoking needs)...
  17. s0up

    150 w hps question....

    You need to get light hanging clips.. the store you bought the light from from should have em.. they arent expensive or anything and it'll save you having to ghetto rig it into working. That way you can have the light suspended and control the distance. You don't want to just put them "20...
  18. s0up

    first grow lighting question

    I usually don't have to work in the room while it is dark hours.. but I just want something to if i need to i can go in there without waking them up! Hopefully all goes well.. i have been reading day and night about it.. using the FFOF soil + nutrient trio + moab .. grow big seems to make my...
  19. s0up

    first grow lighting question

    This is what they look like now :) The 2 on the sides are just my bastard children that i don't expect to yield much from! haha
  20. s0up

    first grow lighting question

    Thanks for the info! I generally do leave them alone but daylight savings + digital timer made me make a 1 hour mistake :P one extra hour of darkness today, but they will go off at the same time today as yesterday and then it'll go on 1 hour earlier tomorrow. Hopefully I can get good results...