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  1. s0up

    week 4.5 of flowering

    6 plants in 1 res? are you doing dwc or something?
  2. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    I just move them out of the tent to water them and when I do i take pics haha Hence the pics on the chair n stuff :P I'm sure on my next grow I wont end up moving them much.. this grow I spent sooo much time in there changing things lol Thanks for the input caligrown.. I just figured since I...
  3. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    bump :) i'd love to get some more input!
  4. s0up

    please tell me it's not powdery mildew....

    i had pm recently and was able to get rid of it with serenade on every square inch of the plants, and bleach+water spotting the entire grow.. I initially used safer 3 in 1 spray (sulphur and potassium salts) which do control it a bit by changing the PH in the leaves, but it really severely...
  5. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    yours are looking awesome! I'm just about week 6 right now so I still have another 3 weeks(maybe longer). Being patient on my first grow is so tough lol i want to rip them out of the ground and throw them in the bong! I have some meds to hold me over though ;) Here's how they look now :blsmoke:
  6. s0up

    Odor Control Question

    I'm doing a grow with a 600w + 2x4x5 grow space with 5 plants.. 6 weeks flowering and i'm doing the same thing as you.. inline fan straight up into the attic. It doesn't smell at all unless i take the plants out of my tent :) A carbon filter is just a bunch of surface area in a small space...
  7. s0up

    First indoor grow.. PM SOLVED(hopefully).. looking for people's experiences :)

    PS. Serenade spray turns your hairs orange! They go back to white after a week or so though, it seems gentle though :)
  8. s0up

    First indoor grow.. PM SOLVED(hopefully).. looking for people's experiences :)

    So, I started my first grow with a 150 watt hps and just a fan blowing on them.. about 5 weeks in I got a minor case of powdery mildew. I noticed it really early(because i stare at my plants all the time and read plant about plant problems at work all day :P) so I went to the hydro store and...
  9. s0up

    week 4.5 of flowering

    they look underwatered! what are you giving them for nutes/light/etc? i'm beginning of week 5 and if you look at my latest post you can see what they look like :) my first grow as well
  10. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    Hopefully they get even bigger! They already appear to have a good amount of nugs on them :) As for nutrients, i'm using grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom with distilled water & I PH balance it to 6.8-7.0 I picked up snowstorm, moab, and gravity under recommendation from my friend who grows...
  11. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    well.. i decided i was gonna grow my meds to save money and got a 150 and 5 clones and it was air cooled... since I built a tent in the closet with panda film lining. i had a tiny bit of probs with powdery mildew at the end of vegging and early flowering from what i assume was bad air flow...
  12. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    thanks for the post kpac i'll def keep the pics coming in these last weeks. i need to get some sort of microscope cheap on the net.. ive seen a few that look cool so then i'll know when they are done :) i cant wait to be done so I can improve in the next one... so much stuff i'd like to have...
  13. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    Damn rmax! those plants look badass. Right now I have a 600watter with a 200cfm inline fan pushing into the attic.. the only problem is the closet i'm doing it in.. the tent I built shrinks slightly from the negative pressure so i only have about 1.8ft x 3.5ft x 5.5ft. Next grow.. i'm def. not...
  14. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    i think the point in a 24 hour darkness period before you harvest is to purposely stress the plant into using everything it has.. putting all of its nutrients into the buds thinking it's going to die.. I'm sure it turns out plenty fine the natural way without darkness too though lol
  15. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    i've heard that a 24 hour darkness period before you chop can up the THC content by up to 10% .. but this I have not tried personally although my buddy who has been teaching me the ways swears by it :)
  16. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    any comments? would be nice :) but its hard to get feedback around here it seems unless your saying something worthy of a verbal lashing lol
  17. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    I planned on flushing them for the last week and then giving them a 24 hour dark period. I don't think they will all be done at the same time unfortunately! Hopefully i'm close enough to the finish line that it will be hard to mess anything up lol. Flushing is what gets rid of the "plant"...
  18. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    I'll try that out next batch :) Im just gonna stick with distilled for the rest of this grow just to keep things consistent though! Do the plants put on that much weight in the last few weeks? It's my first grow so I didn't expect to yield a ton.. but i would think there is less than 2-3oz...
  19. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    I thought regular evaporated tap water had minerals that could be bad for them. Isn't that why people get those RO units? If I can get away with doing that I would much rather go that route.. i'm sick of going to the grocery store for 8+ gallons of distilled water! Thanks for the help :)
  20. s0up

    First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]

    First off, this is my first grow so i'm just doing things as best as i can. Right now they are in FFOF soil getting distilled water with the Fox Farm nutrient trio and i'm PH adjusting it to 6.8. Gave them some organic cal/mag last week too. Strains: Chemdawg, Giesel, Double Underdawg...