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  1. hydrochronics10874

    Miracle Grow

    i have a cousin who has grown all out guerilla grown 7-14 footers with nothing more than miracle grow flower and garden soil and water during droughts! thats all since 1987. he averages about a pound give or take per plant and then sells it all off and being an idiot as he is when not growing in...
  2. hydrochronics10874

    Big V's 1 Plant Micro SCROG "GHS Train Wreck" under CFL 2 GRAMS PER WATT?

    i have vegged and flowered under 4 2700k daylight cfls the whole grow and had 2 mason jars 3/4 full after drying and curing from 2 plants one was lst'd while the other was a super crop both grown in an old fridge grow box one with bubbleponics hydro and the other was a soil mix. it was an...
  3. hydrochronics10874

    Best strain under CFL system ? (No more bagseed experiments !)

    ive grown low/short rider and white widow and wonderwoman under 6 100watt equivalent 26 watt actuall cfls 12/12 2 in soil and 6 in a tote in hydro and the 12/12 help keep them small and short so the cfls can penetrate the canopy better and thats a common problem if using cfls when growin tall...
  4. hydrochronics10874

    Leaves are drying up and becoming really brittle.

    not as well as what i suggested! try it and see for your self.
  5. hydrochronics10874

    refrigerator grow

    refrigerator grows work just fine i got one yes one plant in a fridge with a 120mm pancake pc ball bearing exhaust fan and a small 4" desk fan in a hydro bubbler 4 gallon tote lst'd and super cropped was cut for 6 plants but due to only 4 gallons i went with one. and a 4" intake at the floor...
  6. hydrochronics10874

    Leaves are drying up and becoming really brittle.

    try turning the lights on maybe 20/4 and see for yourselves! they rest and show more vigor with a little dark period. dont you?
  7. hydrochronics10874

    Time to transplant? pics and questions

    ive seen lots of people use that time released fert and no extra nutes through a whole grow.
  8. hydrochronics10874

    Red stems and yellow stripes?

    dolomite lime & epsom salt time! can he not take a good soil sample since its in the ground and run some water through it in say a pail with some holes in bottom and collect some to check the ph then put it back? i mean ground could have become too acidic or too alkaline it could have gone...
  9. hydrochronics10874

    Did I do something wrong? 60 Day Wonder and Dinafem Fruit Automatic

    yea keep em indoors maybe lighted by a window or something.
  10. hydrochronics10874

    My First Outdoor

    what are you using for soil?
  11. hydrochronics10874

    Leaves are drying up and becoming really brittle.

    they really need some cool dark 18/6 or 16/8 rest time imho. next time germ seeds plant and keep moist then in a few weeks trans plant (1) time into final medium. less stress!
  12. hydrochronics10874

    First time not sure of problems!!!

    those balls you see look like the more of new growth you was waiting on! to early to tell sex you might have to wait till you put in flower at 12/12 lighting to know. also there is so much more you can do to those plants like topping is an easy thing on your first grow to get more bud. look into...
  13. hydrochronics10874

    Advice for my first grow???

    i run screws in my buckets and ive even got clothes hangars and made hooks and bent em over and staked them in the ground then when your shoots start popping up like their own little plants along the main stem and get about 1/4 the vertical height i top them and let em go and have even had to...
  14. hydrochronics10874

    Stealth cabnet/locker design! its 1st grow and box so help and adviced needed!!

    i use the multi plug bar outlet wit 6 plug ins on it i think and one really good drop cord and if you need more on the last plug you can plug in another to that one and another if you want this way you just have to worry with one drop cord!
  15. hydrochronics10874

    Will it live?

    2 weeks ago i was trying to manuver mine ariund to let the smaller shoots get to the ligh and completely broke one off all but a tiny thread and i instantly wrapped tape around it but left a little overhang to pull tape of and yesterday it was healed completely! pull em together and wrap somr...
  16. hydrochronics10874

    Drooping leaves

    they look fine. i think nitrozime is almost the same as using epsom salt which i use in hydro or soil and foiliar feed sometimes really makes them green but i only use it 3 or 4 times maybe in a grow.
  17. hydrochronics10874

    My germinated seed problem.

    you mean to only protrusion from the seed up? thats the tap root and when you germ if theres no green you just burry it 1/4" in soil it will find its way up. but if you mean the green part then its too young for direct hot sunlight try putting them in a window seal or shaded sun light till a few...
  18. hydrochronics10874

    germination question

    man when i started out i used a shot glass with disani drinking water thats r/o and has minerals then put seeds in it and a cup over it in total darkness and soaked over night and usually most will sink or be sinking. then ive went so far as to put them in a big clear ice cream bucket with...
  19. hydrochronics10874

    Am I ready to grow?

    too plain of dirt can house many harmful micro can wait till 12/12 flower and see what their sex is and put 1 back in veg for mother or simply take some clone cuttings from the lower shoot sites around the bottom of your plants since their last to show pre flowers but will cause...
  20. hydrochronics10874


    i usually feed mine starting at 1/8 strength then go to 1/4, 1/2,3/4 then max strength an i use no more than 1 tsp most of the time. i also only feed every other watering after i press on the soil and its pretty dry to the touch and top soil is dry and flakey then when doses increase i go after...