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  1. nlbomberfost

    Help needed! Trying to rescue clones!

    i repotted them a while ago there more than two weeks into flowering you can see them in my other thread.
  2. nlbomberfost

    repotting while flowering?

    updated pics here
  3. nlbomberfost

    Help needed! Trying to rescue clones!

    updated pics here
  4. nlbomberfost

    Auto Grow 250W MH/HPS

    yeah i hear ya. when i first heard about the lowryding strains they sounded perfect to me for my setup i have. i've seen pics of people who've perfected it and get one solid bud per plant. i just don't know how sketchy it is ordering those, believe me i've thought about it just never actually...
  5. nlbomberfost

    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    that outdoor harvest was insane! i can't wait to see what the indoor will yield. -subscribed-
  6. nlbomberfost

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    they're still real pretty. i'm sure they'll bounce back. what are you using for nutes?
  7. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    really wish i wrote down what day i started the 12/12.
  8. nlbomberfost

    Auto Grow 250W MH/HPS

    i found this little tidbit about the auto flower sounds pretty damn convenient. So what is auto-flowering? Auto-flowering characteristic grants a cannabis plant the ability to completely flower without the need for reduction of day-light hours; in turn, eliminating the need for a timer. It...
  9. nlbomberfost

    One Plant Closet Grow

    looking real good. keep up the good work.
  10. nlbomberfost

    Auto Grow 250W MH/HPS

    i've heard some cool stuff about these auto flowers, i'm subscribed. i want to see this one through to see if i go in that direction next time.
  11. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    heres a few more pics. couldn't help it. :)
  12. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    i definitely will keep you guys updated, this is only my second time, first time was a weak attempt. but i have some really awesome friends who were more than supportive on me trying again and helped me out alot. but thanks for the compliments i'm sure she appreciates them :). i'll post some new...
  13. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    wish i knew, i have them for about a month, both off the same mother. a buddy of mine rooted them then asked me to finish. i'm not sure how old they were when i got them atleast a few weeks. they've been on a 12/12 about 2 weeks now.
  14. nlbomberfost

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    they're doing great. that iguana juice is awesome and i lucked out with a free light. just posted some new pics of them from today. wish i could send the smell.
  15. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    thats what i figured. had to ask someone with more experience though to settle the thought. how big would you expect them to grow with the set up i have?
  16. nlbomberfost

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    right right. i ended up with a bunch of seeds from a buddies grow gone bad, 1 male to ruin them all but i got a good amount of kush seeds. it would seem like a waste to me to not try them out next, but i will def check out nirvana's stuff. this is what i have going now...
  17. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    wish i new what day number they were on. but i am still very proud of my little girls, as you can see by all the pics i take. i've had them on 12/12 for a couple of weeks now, i think. should have written it down instead of getting stoned haha. but all in all seem to be doing great. also...
  18. nlbomberfost

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    looking real nice and dig the super stealth set up. i'm gonna have to subscribe to see how these turn out, never heard of blue mystic.
  19. nlbomberfost

    indoor afghan

    thanks fried this is what they looked like when i got them they were a donation from a friend, more like a hand me down they were the runts of the litter. but i got some super nice soil its like 40 bucks a bale...